Our council has this wonderful system for bin collections. Blue re-cycling bins every two weeks. Thursday for us. Black bins every wednesday. Except! there are no collections from Christmas day until New years day. A whole week's worth of no collections. It means they work normal Bank Holidays during the year and get all those days off at Christmas. So people who's day is Monday don't get penalised.
This all sounds good BUT if you don't get emptied on 'your' day, that's it for a week.
Last week was very icy and road dangerous for poor bin men to walk around so no collection wednesday. This week is no collection cos it's Christmas. So when next week's collection comes round it will be 3 weeks worth of smelly stuff. This week would have been a blue collection week so we have to make it last 4 weeks instead of 2. With all the extra wrappings and packaging from Christmas too. *sigh* Just hope we won't be into the next freeze after New Year's Day to stop them getting round again!
I am anxiuosly watching the storms and snow in eastern USA. All too often we get their weather about 10-14 days after them when it heads our way. So maybe winter has not done with us yet!
I always look forward to getting snow around the end of January for my birthday so you have been warned!
Now who votes for global warming and who subscribes to the new ice age theory? It could go either way and if the poles shift who knows what we will get? All I know is living up a hill is lovely when the sun shines, and hell when it freezes! Being the last house in a cul-de-sac and uphill we have no chance if it snows or freezes. No passing traffic to shift snow and ice, and no grip on the hill to come and go safely.
Honey had her dressings done Monday and the nice vet, Dan, is pleased with her. Today we ventured out for a walk for the first time. Honey actually went thru her regular 'it's walkies time' performance of leaping about and making 'w-w-woof' sounds for the first time since breaking her leg. She is feeling normal even if not very fit yet. We did not go far but she was delighted to be out and sniffing the 'news' on the lamp posts and trees. She loved walking on the grassy bit out back and did her poo and wees there. I popped the poo bag in my bin and hope it doesn't stink too much by next week's collection day. It is double wrapped in knotted bags but the smell can permeate :(
I am gradually getting everything working on the new pc. I have attached the printer now. I have also managed to finally get a copy of the mailing list for the club. However I am having to type them all in, well C & P each entry from a Word list. I could not get it in a format I could import into Win Live Mail. Only about 180 entries :(
Oops I need to get to bed. Honey went up ages ago. I hope she's not comfy on my side of the bed. Goodnight all.
Emma and Darcy

My new dogs
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Monday, 27 December 2010
Another Monday - but it's a Bank Holiday so empty roads! :-D
Honey and I slept together again last night, but not exactly peacefully. She rolled over so I had her pinned leg in my face! I tried to wriggle around it and managed to get it into a position she was ok with and so was I. I rolled over and found myself right on the edge, almost hanging off the mattress! She was quite happy all night but I woke and turned over a few times. I had set the alarm for 8.30 just to make sure I woke up in time to take Honey to the vet again. Another change of dressing today under sedation. They all know Honey at the vet and the reception ladies all make a fuss of her, which she laps up. The vet, Dan, is pretty cute and reminds me a bit of a children's TV presenter whose name I can never remember, or maybe a bit of Toby Anstis. Anyway Honey was happy to go with him and I'll pick her up later this afternoon. I think she is fit enough to start going for little walks now. I asked the vet and he's going to check with the orthopedic vet's notes. My road is a cul-de-sac but there is a footpath cutting through to the main road behind my house, so I could easily walk Honey down the road a bit and then through to the grassy area on the main road. She would love to have a good sniff around and maybe meet a few dogs. She is getting stir crazy being at home all the time. She was excited when she realised we were going out this morning, even though it was to the vet. It will be good for me to get moving more too.
Yesterday was fun with the grandsons. They had a lovely Christmas day with loads of presents. It was more excitement yesterday with a pile of presents to open up. It didn't take them long to unwrap everything and then it was on to the PlayStation 3 to play Lego Harry Potter! Looks like it will be a popular game they can both play.
We had a lovely tea there too.
Today is back to normal pretty much. Jen's vanished off to Salisbury until Wednesday night. She's working Thursday and Friday but will be off again back to the horses Friday night I'm sure. Here's a video of Teddy at play in the snow. Nice for him to be active with all his blankets and coats off.
This week will give me a chance to get my head down on Swanage Folk Festival and the club's upcoming dates. Hours on the pc - whoopdedoo! LOL
Make the most of any time off you might have this week, relax and enjoy!
Yesterday was fun with the grandsons. They had a lovely Christmas day with loads of presents. It was more excitement yesterday with a pile of presents to open up. It didn't take them long to unwrap everything and then it was on to the PlayStation 3 to play Lego Harry Potter! Looks like it will be a popular game they can both play.
We had a lovely tea there too.
Today is back to normal pretty much. Jen's vanished off to Salisbury until Wednesday night. She's working Thursday and Friday but will be off again back to the horses Friday night I'm sure. Here's a video of Teddy at play in the snow. Nice for him to be active with all his blankets and coats off.
This week will give me a chance to get my head down on Swanage Folk Festival and the club's upcoming dates. Hours on the pc - whoopdedoo! LOL
Make the most of any time off you might have this week, relax and enjoy!
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Boxing Day
Christmas Eve was spent in pleasant company with my friends, John & Ros. Their daughter was there with her fiance and their dog. Willow is a very pretty small Corgi and just over a year old now. Rex is John & Ros's 7 month old Toller retriever. The two dogs romped, played, wrestled and play fought all evening until exhausted. We had a lovely dinner. Mussels in white wine and garlic to start with. Deeeeelicious! Accompanied by some freshly made bread.
I was looking forward to the fish pie to follow until I remembered Ros does not use sauce in hers :( Just pieces of fish with a potato topping. No savoury white sauce or similar to keep the fish moist and tasty. The potato topping was lovely but the fish was dried out and tasteless. It was salmon, smoked haddock and some white fish, probably pollack. Hard to tell what it was. Beautiful bone free fresh fish ruined! :( But the company was good and we had a great evening. It was -3 when I headed home and the back roads were crunchy. It was only -1 back at home and I didn't envy Honey having to go out to pee before bed. She scuttled back to the utility room bed very quickly and I headed to bed on the sofa again. Honey had me up at 3 am and 6 am too!
Christmas Day was good. I woke up, finally, got up and got organised. Honey, of course, stayed in her warm bed while I organised the living room ready for Jenny and James and the present opening ceremonies. Jen arrived soon after 11 and helped me by running the Dyson around, although Honey was not pleased at being disturbed from her nap on the rug. James arrived at 12.30 as the smells of lunch were wafting around nicely. I cooked a nice chicken for Jen and I, plus a pile of sausages, mashed potatoes, crispy roast potatoes, carrots, asparagus, roast parsnips and gravy. James had his usual sausages and mash :). Honey had a bowl of chicken bits and skin to keep her happy.
It was snoozes all round after LOL. James went home for his tea. Jen headed off back to Salisbury to do the horses and cook another Christmas dinner.
I had a lovely evening alone. Watched all the soaps, one after the other, then I watched Avatar. I thoroughly enjoyed it and stayed awake through the whole film - unusual for me. We have the film on DVD but I rarely watch DVDs. I just watch movies as they come up on TV. I had a mince pie, warmed, with double cream! Well it is only once a year! I splashed out on a glass of lemonade, and a rather large Baileys a bit later :)
I decided to chance sleeping on my own bed. I removed the staircase barricade and headed upstairs. No sign of Honey following me, she was already bedded down by the boiler. However before I fell asleep she joined me in bed. She made herself comfy and we both slept well through the night. I did not get a leg poking me in the night and Honey managed to curl up well on her side of the bed. I got up just after 8 for the loo and came back to find her spread eagled over my side of the bed so I got dressed. I was downstairs about 10 minutes before I heard her moving. I helped her down the stairs slowly and now she's had her tablets, and some breakfast, she's asleep on the rug again. Tough life eh?
I've had my first pint of coffee and thinking about having a second soon. Today is the time I look forward to most - seeing my grandsons! I am sorry but Christmas without children around is boring! I will be having a light lunch of the remains of the chicken, with some more asparagus, and maybe a bit of bubble and squeak :) We are having tea at Craig's :) I am so looking forward to seeing the kid's faces when they open their presents. Di's dad has not been well lately, and has been having chemotherapy. I hope he does not get too tired by it all.
I had an email today from my friends in Canada. Carol passed on news of Glen and it's not good. He is back in hospital and has been diagnosed with lung cancer :( It does not sound good. Not a good way to start a new year. I visited them in 2007 when Glen was just getting over heart surgery and a bout of C-Diff. That knocked him for 6 and left him with all sorts of health problems afterwards. He has had a lot to cope with and now this! I hope Carol can cope.
Hey! The sun is shining! and Honey is squeezed up in the corner to try and get the little bit of sun she can feel.
Whatever you are up to today, I hope you have a good day. Hug your loved ones. Tell them how much you love them.
I was looking forward to the fish pie to follow until I remembered Ros does not use sauce in hers :( Just pieces of fish with a potato topping. No savoury white sauce or similar to keep the fish moist and tasty. The potato topping was lovely but the fish was dried out and tasteless. It was salmon, smoked haddock and some white fish, probably pollack. Hard to tell what it was. Beautiful bone free fresh fish ruined! :( But the company was good and we had a great evening. It was -3 when I headed home and the back roads were crunchy. It was only -1 back at home and I didn't envy Honey having to go out to pee before bed. She scuttled back to the utility room bed very quickly and I headed to bed on the sofa again. Honey had me up at 3 am and 6 am too!
Christmas Day was good. I woke up, finally, got up and got organised. Honey, of course, stayed in her warm bed while I organised the living room ready for Jenny and James and the present opening ceremonies. Jen arrived soon after 11 and helped me by running the Dyson around, although Honey was not pleased at being disturbed from her nap on the rug. James arrived at 12.30 as the smells of lunch were wafting around nicely. I cooked a nice chicken for Jen and I, plus a pile of sausages, mashed potatoes, crispy roast potatoes, carrots, asparagus, roast parsnips and gravy. James had his usual sausages and mash :). Honey had a bowl of chicken bits and skin to keep her happy.
It was snoozes all round after LOL. James went home for his tea. Jen headed off back to Salisbury to do the horses and cook another Christmas dinner.
I had a lovely evening alone. Watched all the soaps, one after the other, then I watched Avatar. I thoroughly enjoyed it and stayed awake through the whole film - unusual for me. We have the film on DVD but I rarely watch DVDs. I just watch movies as they come up on TV. I had a mince pie, warmed, with double cream! Well it is only once a year! I splashed out on a glass of lemonade, and a rather large Baileys a bit later :)
I decided to chance sleeping on my own bed. I removed the staircase barricade and headed upstairs. No sign of Honey following me, she was already bedded down by the boiler. However before I fell asleep she joined me in bed. She made herself comfy and we both slept well through the night. I did not get a leg poking me in the night and Honey managed to curl up well on her side of the bed. I got up just after 8 for the loo and came back to find her spread eagled over my side of the bed so I got dressed. I was downstairs about 10 minutes before I heard her moving. I helped her down the stairs slowly and now she's had her tablets, and some breakfast, she's asleep on the rug again. Tough life eh?
I've had my first pint of coffee and thinking about having a second soon. Today is the time I look forward to most - seeing my grandsons! I am sorry but Christmas without children around is boring! I will be having a light lunch of the remains of the chicken, with some more asparagus, and maybe a bit of bubble and squeak :) We are having tea at Craig's :) I am so looking forward to seeing the kid's faces when they open their presents. Di's dad has not been well lately, and has been having chemotherapy. I hope he does not get too tired by it all.
I had an email today from my friends in Canada. Carol passed on news of Glen and it's not good. He is back in hospital and has been diagnosed with lung cancer :( It does not sound good. Not a good way to start a new year. I visited them in 2007 when Glen was just getting over heart surgery and a bout of C-Diff. That knocked him for 6 and left him with all sorts of health problems afterwards. He has had a lot to cope with and now this! I hope Carol can cope.
Hey! The sun is shining! and Honey is squeezed up in the corner to try and get the little bit of sun she can feel.
Whatever you are up to today, I hope you have a good day. Hug your loved ones. Tell them how much you love them.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Stubborn stupid dog
It was time for me to get dressed and 'ablute' so I headed upstairs, taking care to blockade the bottom of the stairs so Honey could not follow me. Honey is my shadow and follows me everywhere. So she stood at the bottom whining her head off because she could not come upstairs. I went in my bedroom then the bathroom. I was on the loo when I realised it had gone quiet. Then I heard the jingle of her collar tag and in she limped! She had climbed over my wheeled shopping trolley blockade and made it upstairs alone, with her leg in its metal work and bandages! What a dog!
She was very pleased with herself until I started going downstairs. There was no way I could carry her down so she had to do it herself. She did! Slowly, one step at a time, she made it. I had to clear the blockade so she could get down safely to the bottom. Now I'll have to make a better arrangement to stop her going up! What a dog!
She is sticking close to me now and not letting me out of her sight LOL
Today is round up day. Final check of the present list. Wrap the last presents. Final tidy up. Out to dinner tonight with friends :) Going to be a fishy one! Moules for starters, in white wine and garlic, followed by a 3 fish fish pie. The last one I had there had fish full of bones and no sauce so it was all dry :( I know the fish has been thoroughly boned this time at least. John bought it from John 'The fish' in Wimborne, just voted Fishmonger of the Year in the UK. The mussels are from him too and delicious.
Going to be a mad night with some of their family there and two young dogs/puppies chasing each other around too.
I will blog when I can but it might be a day or 3 before I do.
Have a fantastic time over the festive period. Don't eat or drink too much, but do enjoy yourselves. Hug your loved ones and have happy thoughts of those not there to share with you. Merry Christmas!
She was very pleased with herself until I started going downstairs. There was no way I could carry her down so she had to do it herself. She did! Slowly, one step at a time, she made it. I had to clear the blockade so she could get down safely to the bottom. Now I'll have to make a better arrangement to stop her going up! What a dog!
She is sticking close to me now and not letting me out of her sight LOL
Today is round up day. Final check of the present list. Wrap the last presents. Final tidy up. Out to dinner tonight with friends :) Going to be a fishy one! Moules for starters, in white wine and garlic, followed by a 3 fish fish pie. The last one I had there had fish full of bones and no sauce so it was all dry :( I know the fish has been thoroughly boned this time at least. John bought it from John 'The fish' in Wimborne, just voted Fishmonger of the Year in the UK. The mussels are from him too and delicious.
Going to be a mad night with some of their family there and two young dogs/puppies chasing each other around too.
I will blog when I can but it might be a day or 3 before I do.
Have a fantastic time over the festive period. Don't eat or drink too much, but do enjoy yourselves. Hug your loved ones and have happy thoughts of those not there to share with you. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Ever decreasing circles
I am surveying the pile of wrapping paper and parcels taking up half of my living room and I'm vowing (as I do every year at this stage) that NEXT year I will wrap as I buy.
I hate sitting here for hours cutting, wrapping, sticking, labelling, then trying to find space to store the presents.
I have a nice chicken in the freezer I need to remember to get out tomorrow. Jen and James don't eat turkey. James won't eat chicken either but I have a pile of sausages ready to go :) Roast pots and mash (for guess who), roast parsnips, carrots, sugar snap peas, gravy. Just 3 of us and one is on sausages and mash only so Jen and I will be stuffed. Hot mince pie with double cream for after. I'm the only one who likes Christmas pud. I've not even bothered with a tiny one for me. Can do without the calories. :-(
I'm off to do battle for a parking space at the lovely new Waitrose in Wimborne now. Wish me luck!
I hate sitting here for hours cutting, wrapping, sticking, labelling, then trying to find space to store the presents.
I have a nice chicken in the freezer I need to remember to get out tomorrow. Jen and James don't eat turkey. James won't eat chicken either but I have a pile of sausages ready to go :) Roast pots and mash (for guess who), roast parsnips, carrots, sugar snap peas, gravy. Just 3 of us and one is on sausages and mash only so Jen and I will be stuffed. Hot mince pie with double cream for after. I'm the only one who likes Christmas pud. I've not even bothered with a tiny one for me. Can do without the calories. :-(
I'm off to do battle for a parking space at the lovely new Waitrose in Wimborne now. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Lunch with my big sisters
Yesterday was a bit manic. Took Honey to the vet and left her there to have her dressing done. I bought some dog food and popped it in the car. It had been snowing and as I went out it turned to rain. The main roads were all pretty clear but my road was an ice rink. I picked up some shopping from Tesco Express and headed home. I live on a hill and my road has a dip half way down, then my end is a right turn and a steepish hill up to my house at the end. I made the dip ok so I thought I was ok until I came round the corner - very slowly - to be faced with my neighbour sliding back down the hill towards me! I backed round the bend out of his way and let him drive/slide into the kerb on the bend. He could not get any grip to go forwards or back! I thought I'd give it a try as my car is front wheel drive. I did get past the point my neighbour reached and got a few feet further up before I lost momentum and grip. Nothing for it but to back down gently and steer back round the bend. I tried a second time using one side on the footpath, hoping for more grip. No go! The rain was freezing as it hit the ice and snow. Ever tried driving on an ice rink? I gave up. Grabbed a bag of shopping destined for the fridge, and my bright pink umbrella, in one hand and my trusty walking stick in the other and set off to walk the 100 yards to my house. In the snow and ice. With icy rain pouring down. Not knowing if the next step would be the one to send me a' over t'. I made it! My drive was almost clear of snow apart from small heaps where I'd brushed all the snow off my car in the morning. Just a few icy patches here and there. It had taken me over 2 hours to do something I'd normally have done in about 45 mins.
I got on with wrapping presents and getting things ready for today. The vet called to give me the low-down on Honey and fix a time to collect her, 5pm. By this time the rain had actually had some impact on the snow and ice down the road and it was looking a lot more slushy. I had to allow time to walk down the hill back to my car and then drive off with great relief to fetch Honey. She was pleased to see me and came home all happy. Jen was home by the time I got back so she helped me unload the car. We got ourselves sorted out and then got ready to go to the pub quiz. We checked with the pub the quiz night was still on and headed out to Creekmoor. James met us there and we had a lovely dinner before the quiz. The pub was packed! Only about 12 teams but 4 of them had 8 or 9 members! Maybe it's time for a maximum limit? Anyway it was a great quiz with some weird marking that meant we ended up 3rd on 15 points, second place was 16 points and the winners managed 23 out of a possible 40! There were gamble questions and we could bet 1,2 or 3 points, scoring those points if you got it right, and having the nominated points deducted if you got it wrong! So one round we scored 0 LOL Anyway we came second or third in most categories and ended up winning nothing at all. A good night for fun and good company but not good for the purse LOL Jen took me in her 4x4 just in case we got stuck anywhere, so I could drink. I had a rather too sweet Crabbie's Ginger beer.
Today was meet the family day to swap present with my sisters. We met up at the Anvil near Blandford for an amazing lunch. Not cheap but top quality food in generous portions. I can recommend it to anyone. It might not be the place to eat weekly or daily but for a special occasion it's great! I am still quite podged! But Jen is ready to eat so we are about to have a light supper.
Stay safe in the ice and snow and stay warm.
Take care.
I got on with wrapping presents and getting things ready for today. The vet called to give me the low-down on Honey and fix a time to collect her, 5pm. By this time the rain had actually had some impact on the snow and ice down the road and it was looking a lot more slushy. I had to allow time to walk down the hill back to my car and then drive off with great relief to fetch Honey. She was pleased to see me and came home all happy. Jen was home by the time I got back so she helped me unload the car. We got ourselves sorted out and then got ready to go to the pub quiz. We checked with the pub the quiz night was still on and headed out to Creekmoor. James met us there and we had a lovely dinner before the quiz. The pub was packed! Only about 12 teams but 4 of them had 8 or 9 members! Maybe it's time for a maximum limit? Anyway it was a great quiz with some weird marking that meant we ended up 3rd on 15 points, second place was 16 points and the winners managed 23 out of a possible 40! There were gamble questions and we could bet 1,2 or 3 points, scoring those points if you got it right, and having the nominated points deducted if you got it wrong! So one round we scored 0 LOL Anyway we came second or third in most categories and ended up winning nothing at all. A good night for fun and good company but not good for the purse LOL Jen took me in her 4x4 just in case we got stuck anywhere, so I could drink. I had a rather too sweet Crabbie's Ginger beer.
Today was meet the family day to swap present with my sisters. We met up at the Anvil near Blandford for an amazing lunch. Not cheap but top quality food in generous portions. I can recommend it to anyone. It might not be the place to eat weekly or daily but for a special occasion it's great! I am still quite podged! But Jen is ready to eat so we are about to have a light supper.
Stay safe in the ice and snow and stay warm.
Take care.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
A lovely way to get in the Christmas spirit a bit more. It was a superb concert last night, The New Scorpion Band, the BSO, and the Purbeck Village Quire. Delightful evening of seasonal music. Like a big glass of good mulled wine, warming and comforting while seasonal.
My road was dodgy when John & Roz came to pick me up. Stupid people parked on bends and slopes of hills, just where cars will slide if they lose grip. My road is a sheet of ice but a bit rutted so not smooth ice. Coming home we crunched the ice coming up the hill, and the noise as they left me was terrible. Good job it wasn't very late or we'd have woken the whole street.
We had a nice longish snow shower this afternoon. Small crumbs/flakes that lay quickly as everything was already frozen. Luckily it didn't last long. Honey has got over the novelty of the snow and just dives into the garden to pee and poo as quickly as she can and get back into the warm again. We just have to go through the palaver of putting her protective 'boot' on and off every time. It works though!
I wonder where Honey will sleep tonight? By the boiler again I suspect.
Take care if you have to go out in the icy conditions and stay warm. xx
My road was dodgy when John & Roz came to pick me up. Stupid people parked on bends and slopes of hills, just where cars will slide if they lose grip. My road is a sheet of ice but a bit rutted so not smooth ice. Coming home we crunched the ice coming up the hill, and the noise as they left me was terrible. Good job it wasn't very late or we'd have woken the whole street.
We had a nice longish snow shower this afternoon. Small crumbs/flakes that lay quickly as everything was already frozen. Luckily it didn't last long. Honey has got over the novelty of the snow and just dives into the garden to pee and poo as quickly as she can and get back into the warm again. We just have to go through the palaver of putting her protective 'boot' on and off every time. It works though!
I wonder where Honey will sleep tonight? By the boiler again I suspect.
Take care if you have to go out in the icy conditions and stay warm. xx
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Getting Christmassy
Tonight I am heading into Poole for the Lighthouse and a wonderful Christmas concert with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and the New Scorpion Band
'S no joke
To quote Jonathon Woss - "It's all white here" Very pretty it looks too. About half the amount we had last time so far but, with sub zero temps staying for a few days, this lot isn't going in a hurry. I do not have passing traffic to help melt it on the road either. I am the last house in the road and it's a cul-de-sac, on a hill. *sigh*
The sun is shining through frozen snow covered tree branches and looks lovely. Honey was not over impressed and only went out to do the vitals and came straight back in again, with much shaking of body as though it has been raining.
The bird feeder is well stocked so I hope I get some interesting visitors. It's a shame I've moved my PC now :-(
I moved my Christmas tree. Jen had put it up and decorated it but I wanted it in a different corner so, having moved a small table and added another extension socket lead to the set up, I have transferred the tree over. It looks lovely! (Thanks Jen!) The only problem is the bit of lower roof near the window caused by the weird angle on the front of my house. My poor fairy has had a branch of the tree rammed securely up her skirt and her head is up against the ceiling LOL but she is not likely to fall down in a hurry.
I haven't mentioned the goldfish lately. They are doing well with frequent water changes and filter cleans. The tank is very overstocked but changing 25% of the water every 3 days seems to be keeping the water ok. The filter is working over time but, again, cleaning it out every 3 or 4 days works at keeping the water clear. The fish eat a lot!
They beg for food when we walk past LOL
Aww I thought it was snowing again, even though it's sunny, but it was just some snow blowing/falling off the tree branches.
The picture quality on cable was very speckly when I first got up but, now the snow on the dish has melted, it's looking good again.
I hope you cope with whatever conditions you have safely. Stay warm, stay dry, stay in! xx
The sun is shining through frozen snow covered tree branches and looks lovely. Honey was not over impressed and only went out to do the vitals and came straight back in again, with much shaking of body as though it has been raining.
The bird feeder is well stocked so I hope I get some interesting visitors. It's a shame I've moved my PC now :-(
I moved my Christmas tree. Jen had put it up and decorated it but I wanted it in a different corner so, having moved a small table and added another extension socket lead to the set up, I have transferred the tree over. It looks lovely! (Thanks Jen!) The only problem is the bit of lower roof near the window caused by the weird angle on the front of my house. My poor fairy has had a branch of the tree rammed securely up her skirt and her head is up against the ceiling LOL but she is not likely to fall down in a hurry.
I haven't mentioned the goldfish lately. They are doing well with frequent water changes and filter cleans. The tank is very overstocked but changing 25% of the water every 3 days seems to be keeping the water ok. The filter is working over time but, again, cleaning it out every 3 or 4 days works at keeping the water clear. The fish eat a lot!
They beg for food when we walk past LOL
Aww I thought it was snowing again, even though it's sunny, but it was just some snow blowing/falling off the tree branches.
The picture quality on cable was very speckly when I first got up but, now the snow on the dish has melted, it's looking good again.
I hope you cope with whatever conditions you have safely. Stay warm, stay dry, stay in! xx
Friday, 17 December 2010
Did you know it is Frig's day?
Hmm I am getting bad, well worse anyway. Honey woke me just after 7 to go out for a pee. Bloody cold outside and not properly light. Anyway she went, and I went back to bed. Mistake! Warm and comfy, I went back to sleep and woke with a start at almost 10 am. I needed a pee - urgently! Made it to loo just in time - close call! Next time I go when Honey goes out. Bladder can only hold so much. Anyway I got up, gave Honey her breakfast and AB and had my coffee. My first coffee of the day is always a pint :-D
Wakes me up and gets things going. I sorted myself out, washed, dressed etc then headed over to John's. He was still asleep in bed at 11am! And I thought I was bad LOL Anyway I made him a coffee and went and made a fuss of the cat while he got up. Roz had taken the puppy with her so the cats had a free run of a warm house. We headed to the Post Office to post a parcel but the queue was out the door and round the corner, so gave up on that. We headed to Poole Quay for lunch at Wetherspoons. Our usual 'Spoons is in town next door to Sainsbury's and we thought it might be a tad busy with bad weather forecast and Christmas coming, not to mention people doing present shopping as well as food. We parked on the quay itself (love my blue badge!) and had a tasty cheap lunch in a nearly deserted pub. John sampled the one Xmas ale they had available and developed a taste for it - JW Lees Plum Pudding :-D a darkish fruity ale.
We stopped off at Asda for a quick shop. John replenished his beer supply, and I got some Tilda rice that Jen likes for lunch sometimes. Asda is the only shop round here that does the butternut squash flavour she likes best. I also stocked up on Herbs De Provence. Just love those flavours. Not so sagey as mixed herbs.
I came home and let Honey out quickly. I think she needed to 'go'!
I timed it right to watch Shaun the Sheep - today was a superb Christmas one. A little sad but happy too. Do catch up with the new series on I Player/On Demand if you can. They are pure brilliance! "Mehhhh"
This evening I have been watching the soaps then Olympia live on Euro Sport. Amazing Puissance competition. Very exciting! Jen went to London for the day with Helen. A snack in Harrods, then on to Olympia. Imagine a place that big packed mostly with horse mad girls and women. All shopping away like crazy too. Yet most of the top jumpers are men - how come? You go to any riding school and there will be 100 or more girls to every 1 boy learning to ride.
If any of you are going to Olympia this weekend, have a great time and wrap up warm outside.
This time next week excited children will be asleep in their beds, finally. And parents will be having a nightcap before Santa does his thing.
I personally find Christmas time hard to take. Peter and I used to share the preparations and jobs. Like doing the cards and shopping. He was always good at picking presents too, when I tend to get stuck in a rut. This is the 7th Christmas without him and it doesn't get any easier to face. The only blessing is we keep it low key and quiet, apart from Boxing Day with the grandsons! I think Christmas needs young children to make it a truly happy time. Adults just eat and drink too much.
I am trying hard to keep a happy face on but it's not easy with Honey and her problems, my knees hurting like mad, worrying about the weather, the folk club, Swanage festival, John's health and his redundancy, and fitting in shopping for presents, wrapping them, sending cards etc. as well as doing the washing, cooking meals, cleaning etc etc. The only good thing is I mostly have only feeding myself to worry about most of the time and get jobs done when I can and feel like it. That is - except when Honey nags me for food, cuddles, or to be let out for a pee.
Ok can anyone tell me why dogs don't poo and wee at the same time? Honey squats to pee then walks on a bit further before doing a poo. Sometimes at home she will come in after a pee then ask to go out again 2 minutes later to poo! Blimming annoying when I have to put her protective boot on her broken leg and take it off when she comes in again. On, off, on, off *sigh* At least she knows what 'boot' means now and stands waiting to have it put on before going in the garden. What a good girl she is.
Let's hope all of you who like snow, get enough to enjoy this weekend, and those of you who don't, miss it.
Stay warm! xx
Wakes me up and gets things going. I sorted myself out, washed, dressed etc then headed over to John's. He was still asleep in bed at 11am! And I thought I was bad LOL Anyway I made him a coffee and went and made a fuss of the cat while he got up. Roz had taken the puppy with her so the cats had a free run of a warm house. We headed to the Post Office to post a parcel but the queue was out the door and round the corner, so gave up on that. We headed to Poole Quay for lunch at Wetherspoons. Our usual 'Spoons is in town next door to Sainsbury's and we thought it might be a tad busy with bad weather forecast and Christmas coming, not to mention people doing present shopping as well as food. We parked on the quay itself (love my blue badge!) and had a tasty cheap lunch in a nearly deserted pub. John sampled the one Xmas ale they had available and developed a taste for it - JW Lees Plum Pudding :-D a darkish fruity ale.
We stopped off at Asda for a quick shop. John replenished his beer supply, and I got some Tilda rice that Jen likes for lunch sometimes. Asda is the only shop round here that does the butternut squash flavour she likes best. I also stocked up on Herbs De Provence. Just love those flavours. Not so sagey as mixed herbs.
I came home and let Honey out quickly. I think she needed to 'go'!
I timed it right to watch Shaun the Sheep - today was a superb Christmas one. A little sad but happy too. Do catch up with the new series on I Player/On Demand if you can. They are pure brilliance! "Mehhhh"
This evening I have been watching the soaps then Olympia live on Euro Sport. Amazing Puissance competition. Very exciting! Jen went to London for the day with Helen. A snack in Harrods, then on to Olympia. Imagine a place that big packed mostly with horse mad girls and women. All shopping away like crazy too. Yet most of the top jumpers are men - how come? You go to any riding school and there will be 100 or more girls to every 1 boy learning to ride.
If any of you are going to Olympia this weekend, have a great time and wrap up warm outside.
This time next week excited children will be asleep in their beds, finally. And parents will be having a nightcap before Santa does his thing.
I personally find Christmas time hard to take. Peter and I used to share the preparations and jobs. Like doing the cards and shopping. He was always good at picking presents too, when I tend to get stuck in a rut. This is the 7th Christmas without him and it doesn't get any easier to face. The only blessing is we keep it low key and quiet, apart from Boxing Day with the grandsons! I think Christmas needs young children to make it a truly happy time. Adults just eat and drink too much.
I am trying hard to keep a happy face on but it's not easy with Honey and her problems, my knees hurting like mad, worrying about the weather, the folk club, Swanage festival, John's health and his redundancy, and fitting in shopping for presents, wrapping them, sending cards etc. as well as doing the washing, cooking meals, cleaning etc etc. The only good thing is I mostly have only feeding myself to worry about most of the time and get jobs done when I can and feel like it. That is - except when Honey nags me for food, cuddles, or to be let out for a pee.
Ok can anyone tell me why dogs don't poo and wee at the same time? Honey squats to pee then walks on a bit further before doing a poo. Sometimes at home she will come in after a pee then ask to go out again 2 minutes later to poo! Blimming annoying when I have to put her protective boot on her broken leg and take it off when she comes in again. On, off, on, off *sigh* At least she knows what 'boot' means now and stands waiting to have it put on before going in the garden. What a good girl she is.
Let's hope all of you who like snow, get enough to enjoy this weekend, and those of you who don't, miss it.
Stay warm! xx
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Bin day
Well we are making progress. Honey is walking more normally already and I can see her toes flexing inside the dressing so she is doing really well. She is not in pain at all and does well as long as she remembers to lift that leg over sills and when she gets it caught up in her duvet. I took the opportunity this morning to have a wallow in the bath rather than a quick shower/wash as Jen was home. Honey lay at the bottom of the stairs wimpering and whining the whole time! She doesn't do this when I go out, she just goes to sleep somewhere warm and comfy - that was MY bed before her leg break and, now she is barred from going upstairs, she has a duvet in the utility room by the boiler which is warm and cosy for her. But if I am at home she HAS to be where she can see me. *sigh* it's nice to be loved but it is a pain at times LOL
She had her giant anti-biotic pill wrapped in cooked chicken this morning and just swallowed it down in one gulp :-) Spoilt? you bet but it's much less hassle than trying to prise open her jaws and drop the pills down her throat. I gave her a few small bits first to get the taste of the chicken then gave her the pill stuffed lump. It all went down without a bite or hesitation.
I have my rabbit stew to finish off today :) just assorted veg and a bit of meat so low fat and fairly low calorie. But very tasty. 'Underground chicken' as my Dad called it.
Hmm making me hungry thinking about it.
I woke up this morning and remembered 2 more people I have to get presents for :-( so I still have shopping to do! I can't risk mail order now as we are meeting up next Tuesday for lunch and present swap.
I am about to unplug my pc and all it's bits so I can move it into its 'proper' home in the desk. It means grovelling under the desk so I only want to do it all once while I'm down there, and I'm praying I can get back up again. I did something similar in the dining room extracting the old PC and when I got hold of the chair to help me get up again the effing thing moved on its castors and I could not get a firm grip to get leverage to stand up again :-( I had to wedge the chair to stop it moving then I could get up. I did even think of crawling on hands and knees across the dining room to get to a solid chair that would not move. But I managed ok in the ned. My knees have no spring or bounce left in them and certain movements are both painful and awkward. Funnily enough I have no trouble getting in and out of the bath and have perfected a technique to do this safely.
Right - lunch! Rabbit stew here I come. See you later xx
She had her giant anti-biotic pill wrapped in cooked chicken this morning and just swallowed it down in one gulp :-) Spoilt? you bet but it's much less hassle than trying to prise open her jaws and drop the pills down her throat. I gave her a few small bits first to get the taste of the chicken then gave her the pill stuffed lump. It all went down without a bite or hesitation.
I have my rabbit stew to finish off today :) just assorted veg and a bit of meat so low fat and fairly low calorie. But very tasty. 'Underground chicken' as my Dad called it.
Hmm making me hungry thinking about it.
I woke up this morning and remembered 2 more people I have to get presents for :-( so I still have shopping to do! I can't risk mail order now as we are meeting up next Tuesday for lunch and present swap.
I am about to unplug my pc and all it's bits so I can move it into its 'proper' home in the desk. It means grovelling under the desk so I only want to do it all once while I'm down there, and I'm praying I can get back up again. I did something similar in the dining room extracting the old PC and when I got hold of the chair to help me get up again the effing thing moved on its castors and I could not get a firm grip to get leverage to stand up again :-( I had to wedge the chair to stop it moving then I could get up. I did even think of crawling on hands and knees across the dining room to get to a solid chair that would not move. But I managed ok in the ned. My knees have no spring or bounce left in them and certain movements are both painful and awkward. Funnily enough I have no trouble getting in and out of the bath and have perfected a technique to do this safely.
Right - lunch! Rabbit stew here I come. See you later xx
Up and down Tuesday
Had a roughish night with Honey - tonight I am hiding her water bowl :(
She went out before midnight and pee'd, came in, then had a big drink! So come 3am she needed to go out again. Put her protective boot on, let her out on lead with me half asleep on other end. She pee'd and came back in. Boot off. I fell back into 'bed' (sofa) and dozed of to the sound of lapping water! Guess what? 5 am whining to go out again! grrrr! repeated earlier procedure with boot etc. Rolled back into bed and slept to be woken by Honey growling and all alert - opened my eyes to see light from Kitchen. I checked the time and realised it was Jen getting ready for work (7am - yawn) Honey did not relax until Jen stuck her head round the door and said hello. This is the first time Honey has shown any hint of being protective or on guard at home and I was delighted :) maybe I had better put up signs saying 'Beware the guard dog' LOL
She has been much perkier today and showing signs of settling back into the usual routine. She even asked to go walkies at the normal time! Be a while before we get to that stage though. She shows no sign of pain now and seems to regard the bandaged pinned leg as an inconvenience to be tolerated. She has had the dressing off her small shoulder wound and that's looking fine. I have dug out the muzzle for when I go out so she doesn't lick all the stitches out too soon. Having been a racer for over 3 years she is quite happy to wear her muzzle any time. The good old buster collar/lampshade thingy is an item of torture to her and makes her panic. The muzzle allows her to drink and move around without bashing into anything.
I remember my old labrador Casper when I had him castrated. He had a HUGE buster collar to wear and just ignored it. He charged round the house bashing it on door frames and furniture and people. It was in shreds by day 3 and held together with gaffer tape LOL. When I took him back to have his stitches out he lay on the floor on his back, paws in the air, while the nurse snipped and removed the stitches. Nothing phased him. Honey, however, is a delicate princess and has to be coaxed and pampered. I am now on the second brand of amoxycillin and the tablets are double the dose of the first ones. She only has to have one of these twice a day but they are twice the size of the others, so 2 huge ones as against 4 big ones LOL I spread some liver pate round the tablets and she ate them in one gulp :) She luckily didn't bite into them or they would have been spat out. But pate seems to do the trick. I've re-stocked on Butcher's Tripe and Honey is much happier eating that. It smells foul but suits her stomach. I mix it with some IAMS kibble so she is getting a balanced diet she likes. :)
She is making really good progress and will soon be pretty much back to normal but with scaffolding on her leg.
The next hurdle is me going to bed upstairs with her sleeping downstairs. She whines when I just go the bathroom and she can't follow me upstairs. Going to be a tough move sleeping apart.
I have been getting most of my xmas presents online but managed to get a few more locally today. Need to check list but I think I only have 2 more to get, maybe 3 and it's not Xmas eve yet - I'm doing well. Better do my Christmas cards tomorrow and get them posted off.
At least Christmas will be quiet here, just kids home for Xmas day lunch, and round to my son's Sunday to see the grandsons :)
Both Jen and James are working most days apart from the actual holiday days so pretty much normal life right through. Just remember, although the shops are closed for a day or maybe 2, there are no extra days in the week to cater for LOL
Good luck to you all with your xmas shopping.
She went out before midnight and pee'd, came in, then had a big drink! So come 3am she needed to go out again. Put her protective boot on, let her out on lead with me half asleep on other end. She pee'd and came back in. Boot off. I fell back into 'bed' (sofa) and dozed of to the sound of lapping water! Guess what? 5 am whining to go out again! grrrr! repeated earlier procedure with boot etc. Rolled back into bed and slept to be woken by Honey growling and all alert - opened my eyes to see light from Kitchen. I checked the time and realised it was Jen getting ready for work (7am - yawn) Honey did not relax until Jen stuck her head round the door and said hello. This is the first time Honey has shown any hint of being protective or on guard at home and I was delighted :) maybe I had better put up signs saying 'Beware the guard dog' LOL
She has been much perkier today and showing signs of settling back into the usual routine. She even asked to go walkies at the normal time! Be a while before we get to that stage though. She shows no sign of pain now and seems to regard the bandaged pinned leg as an inconvenience to be tolerated. She has had the dressing off her small shoulder wound and that's looking fine. I have dug out the muzzle for when I go out so she doesn't lick all the stitches out too soon. Having been a racer for over 3 years she is quite happy to wear her muzzle any time. The good old buster collar/lampshade thingy is an item of torture to her and makes her panic. The muzzle allows her to drink and move around without bashing into anything.
I remember my old labrador Casper when I had him castrated. He had a HUGE buster collar to wear and just ignored it. He charged round the house bashing it on door frames and furniture and people. It was in shreds by day 3 and held together with gaffer tape LOL. When I took him back to have his stitches out he lay on the floor on his back, paws in the air, while the nurse snipped and removed the stitches. Nothing phased him. Honey, however, is a delicate princess and has to be coaxed and pampered. I am now on the second brand of amoxycillin and the tablets are double the dose of the first ones. She only has to have one of these twice a day but they are twice the size of the others, so 2 huge ones as against 4 big ones LOL I spread some liver pate round the tablets and she ate them in one gulp :) She luckily didn't bite into them or they would have been spat out. But pate seems to do the trick. I've re-stocked on Butcher's Tripe and Honey is much happier eating that. It smells foul but suits her stomach. I mix it with some IAMS kibble so she is getting a balanced diet she likes. :)
She is making really good progress and will soon be pretty much back to normal but with scaffolding on her leg.
The next hurdle is me going to bed upstairs with her sleeping downstairs. She whines when I just go the bathroom and she can't follow me upstairs. Going to be a tough move sleeping apart.
I have been getting most of my xmas presents online but managed to get a few more locally today. Need to check list but I think I only have 2 more to get, maybe 3 and it's not Xmas eve yet - I'm doing well. Better do my Christmas cards tomorrow and get them posted off.
At least Christmas will be quiet here, just kids home for Xmas day lunch, and round to my son's Sunday to see the grandsons :)
Both Jen and James are working most days apart from the actual holiday days so pretty much normal life right through. Just remember, although the shops are closed for a day or maybe 2, there are no extra days in the week to cater for LOL
Good luck to you all with your xmas shopping.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Catch up
Honey has been to vet to have her dressings changed today. They sedated her to do it as it was a bit stuck to her and they didn't want to distress her. It's all looking good, wounds clean and scabbing over. They cleaned her up and re-dressed the leg with a posh red bandage now. Back next week for a repeat performance :(
Only 3 months to go *sigh*
Sorry not really in a blogging mood right now.
Only 3 months to go *sigh*
Sorry not really in a blogging mood right now.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
We both had a much better night last night. Only one trip for a wee for Honey about 3 am then slept til 8.30. Good job I was dressed and downstairs as I had a parcel delivery at 9! I left a note for delivery man to leave it next door on Friday but apparently he's not allowed to do that unless arranged before hand. Anyway I have the parcels. The down side of internet shopping!
Honey is sleeping a lot, thanks to the strong pain killers. She should not walk around on that leg much yet anyway. At least she can manage the step out into the garden ok and back. She's learning to lift the leg a bit as it is longer than her others at the moment with the dressing on it. She is seeing our vet tomorrow to have her dressing changed and have the wounds cleaned up. I do hope there's no sign of infection. They will probably need to sedate her so it will probably be a few hours in there while they sort her out. All I want is my Honey safe and well for the long term.
I am lucky the sofa is nice and comfy for me to sleep on. I am hoping after tonight I can sleep on my bed but I won't sleep deeply as I'll be listening out for noises from Honey.
Did I tell you I've moved the PC from the dining room into the lounge? Well I have. Got my new PC all set up in there in a corner so I can watch TV while I 'pute. The down side is I can't watch the bird feeders and my birds coming and going. I have to remember to top up the feeders and scatter some seeds on the ground for my robins and dunnocks. It helps stop the pigeons wrecking the seed feeders too. I removed the tray bit as pigeons used it as a perch and the squirrel sat on it while he emptied the feeders LOL. The garden stunk of foxes wee this morning :( they've been scenting and territory marking. I hate that smell.
I have a bit pot of rabbit stew on the cooker simmering away for later. Should be 3 -4 meals there. Loads of veggies. Smells fantastic.
I didn't get it on early enough to have for lunch but will make a nice dinner later.
James has been over for lunch. Sausages, mash and carrots! I had chicken thighs with carrots and broccoli, and with a little mash. I've saved the chicken juices and skins to use to get Honey to take her tablets. :)
I've asked Jen to come home early tonight as I have tickets booked for a concert. I'm sure Honey will be fine for a few hours as long as I make sure she's had her pills and been out for a wee. If Jen can make it early enough Honey might not be alone for long, if at all.
We are all out tomorrow night for our quiz team Xmas dinner, I may come home early. See how it all goes tomorrow.
Honey is sleeping a lot, thanks to the strong pain killers. She should not walk around on that leg much yet anyway. At least she can manage the step out into the garden ok and back. She's learning to lift the leg a bit as it is longer than her others at the moment with the dressing on it. She is seeing our vet tomorrow to have her dressing changed and have the wounds cleaned up. I do hope there's no sign of infection. They will probably need to sedate her so it will probably be a few hours in there while they sort her out. All I want is my Honey safe and well for the long term.
I am lucky the sofa is nice and comfy for me to sleep on. I am hoping after tonight I can sleep on my bed but I won't sleep deeply as I'll be listening out for noises from Honey.
Did I tell you I've moved the PC from the dining room into the lounge? Well I have. Got my new PC all set up in there in a corner so I can watch TV while I 'pute. The down side is I can't watch the bird feeders and my birds coming and going. I have to remember to top up the feeders and scatter some seeds on the ground for my robins and dunnocks. It helps stop the pigeons wrecking the seed feeders too. I removed the tray bit as pigeons used it as a perch and the squirrel sat on it while he emptied the feeders LOL. The garden stunk of foxes wee this morning :( they've been scenting and territory marking. I hate that smell.
I have a bit pot of rabbit stew on the cooker simmering away for later. Should be 3 -4 meals there. Loads of veggies. Smells fantastic.
I didn't get it on early enough to have for lunch but will make a nice dinner later.
James has been over for lunch. Sausages, mash and carrots! I had chicken thighs with carrots and broccoli, and with a little mash. I've saved the chicken juices and skins to use to get Honey to take her tablets. :)
I've asked Jen to come home early tonight as I have tickets booked for a concert. I'm sure Honey will be fine for a few hours as long as I make sure she's had her pills and been out for a wee. If Jen can make it early enough Honey might not be alone for long, if at all.
We are all out tomorrow night for our quiz team Xmas dinner, I may come home early. See how it all goes tomorrow.
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Home, battered, bruised but glad to be home
She's home! Now the hard work starts! She is as mobile as she can be right now with a huge metal frame on her leg, covered at the moment by a massive dressing. I have a boot to protect the dressing when she goes outside and I have to keep her on a short lead while she toilets. I think I'll be shedding pounds in the next few weeks! Up, down, up, down, back and forth to garden every couple of hours :( She is so pleased to be back with me and is frustrated she can't go upstairs to relax and snooze on my bed. When I said 'bedtime' last night she headed for the stairs :( although I slept downstairs with her, she was not happy sleeping in the lounge. I hope she will settle down in the next few nights and sleep through alone downstairs. If she does wimper in the night I hope I hear her. I won't be sleeping well for a while.
Whenever she had to have pills in the past I always gave them to her stuffed in a small slit in the side of a cocktail sausage. She used to just swallow these whole so it was easy. Now she has cottoned on to the 'loaded' sausage and she chews every last morsel in case there's a pill she can spit out LOL I have bought some smoked mackeral as a replacement pill disguise. I defy her to smell a pill in that LOL
The bad side is the problem pills are the anti biotics and they are HUGE. I've tried breaking them into halves or quarters to hide but they get spat out rapidly. She has a narrow jaw so the popping a pill down her throat and holding her til it's swallowed does not easily work. So it's a twice daily battle :( She needs the ABs as it was an open fracture with the bone coming through the skin :( I am amazed they didn't actually try to set the bone in line while they were operating on her but apparently it will fuse in with the other bones.
The op she has had will fuse the wrist bones eventually but the orthopedic surgeon said she will be able to walk and even run again. I do hope so. In the mean time I'll have the metal pins to deal with and keep clean and infection free.
I hope you have a great weekend whatever you're up to. xx
Whenever she had to have pills in the past I always gave them to her stuffed in a small slit in the side of a cocktail sausage. She used to just swallow these whole so it was easy. Now she has cottoned on to the 'loaded' sausage and she chews every last morsel in case there's a pill she can spit out LOL I have bought some smoked mackeral as a replacement pill disguise. I defy her to smell a pill in that LOL
The bad side is the problem pills are the anti biotics and they are HUGE. I've tried breaking them into halves or quarters to hide but they get spat out rapidly. She has a narrow jaw so the popping a pill down her throat and holding her til it's swallowed does not easily work. So it's a twice daily battle :( She needs the ABs as it was an open fracture with the bone coming through the skin :( I am amazed they didn't actually try to set the bone in line while they were operating on her but apparently it will fuse in with the other bones.
The op she has had will fuse the wrist bones eventually but the orthopedic surgeon said she will be able to walk and even run again. I do hope so. In the mean time I'll have the metal pins to deal with and keep clean and infection free.
I hope you have a great weekend whatever you're up to. xx
Friday, 10 December 2010
Homeward bound
Well she's got the all clear from vet Harry Scott. She is ready to be brought home. Going to be a long haul recovery now and she'll end up with a fused wrist joint so will be limping a bit for life - poor thing. To go from being a fit, active athlete of the dog world to a disabled one in one second is not good. But her personality and temperament should be the same as always, such a gentle sweety. At least she won't go running on icy puddles again!
I'm collecting her 4 pm this afternoon.
I am expecting a delivery today - which I rearranged from wednesday for today because I was expecting her home yesterday. Blinking delivery company's system is not good as the number they gave to contact them didnt work! They called me to confirm delivery for today while I was on the phone to vet and left a message on answering machine but I didn't realise it was there until this morning. As I was home all day I did not suspect a message had been left. So it's on the van now and I hope he comes before I have to go out to fetch Honey :( Their base is in the lanes at the back of Bournemouth Airport and a pain to get to so I don't want to have to go to pick it up. I'll see if my neighbour could take the delivery for me if I'm out.
I feel lost without Honey around - keep looking for her or waiting for the nuzzle when she wants a cuddle. Daft me being so soft about her. She is a dog and gets treated like a dog but she is also a member of our family. Thank goodness she does not get on the furniture. I have leather sofas and her frame would rip them to shreds in no time. I hope she will manage the hop in and out of the patio doors to go in the garden. There is a bigger drop by the back kitchen door which would pose more of a problem for her. She is also uncertain of the vinyl floor in the kitchen and hates to cross the room more than she needs to. Going from hall to dining room is 3 steps across the corner of the kitchen and she can cope with that.
Can't wait to get her home now. Going to be regular visits to my vet for next few weeks though to change dressings and check on progress.
I'm collecting her 4 pm this afternoon.
I am expecting a delivery today - which I rearranged from wednesday for today because I was expecting her home yesterday. Blinking delivery company's system is not good as the number they gave to contact them didnt work! They called me to confirm delivery for today while I was on the phone to vet and left a message on answering machine but I didn't realise it was there until this morning. As I was home all day I did not suspect a message had been left. So it's on the van now and I hope he comes before I have to go out to fetch Honey :( Their base is in the lanes at the back of Bournemouth Airport and a pain to get to so I don't want to have to go to pick it up. I'll see if my neighbour could take the delivery for me if I'm out.
I feel lost without Honey around - keep looking for her or waiting for the nuzzle when she wants a cuddle. Daft me being so soft about her. She is a dog and gets treated like a dog but she is also a member of our family. Thank goodness she does not get on the furniture. I have leather sofas and her frame would rip them to shreds in no time. I hope she will manage the hop in and out of the patio doors to go in the garden. There is a bigger drop by the back kitchen door which would pose more of a problem for her. She is also uncertain of the vinyl floor in the kitchen and hates to cross the room more than she needs to. Going from hall to dining room is 3 steps across the corner of the kitchen and she can cope with that.
Can't wait to get her home now. Going to be regular visits to my vet for next few weeks though to change dressings and check on progress.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Had a call from the vet this morning. Honey had a good night and is quite perky this morning. Vet was worried she has been very quiet. I said she rarely makes a noise unless she is in pain or wants something. If she 'squeaks' it's usually a toilet request LOL. Anyway there is a chance they might let her come home later today, or maybe keep her for another night.
I have attempted to get a parcel delivery rearranged. It was due Wednesday and of course came while I was taking Honey to the vet. I rearranged delivery for Friday on their automated phone system. However since there is now a chance I may be collecting Honey Friday, I tried to rearrange delivery to Monday. The automated phone system only allows you one change, and gave me a number to call to speak to a real person. Great! I double checked the number they gave me and called it. Nothing! No ringing, no 'number unavailable' just silence. I rang the automated system again and checked the number I had written down. Yes I had it right. Dialled again very carefully. Still dead silence. A few ripe words later I got on the pc and googled them. A different number! Great! Except.... no answer.. dead silence again! I then tried a different listing for them and found another different number, and it rang!! Yayyy...err...umm... automated answer grrrr. "All our operatives are busy. Please try later or leave a recorded message!" So... I've left a message!! No - not a rude one - not in my nature. Fingers crossed someone listens to it, or Honey comes home today and I'm in when they deliver tomorrow, or maybe Monday, which is what I've asked for now.
I am in shock! My lovely no. 1 son has just been over as he's got the day off and he's checking up on me! Aww bless! He's swept the leaves off the drive for me as it was a thick carpet and slippery. I was worried about my safety and that of post men etc.
My house is the end of a cul-de-sac and there are many trees to the side. The worst is a weeping willow that seems to shed leaves all year round, but is particularly bad in autumn when it drops the lot in about 2-3 weeks. I also have oak trees and assorted rowans, maples and silver birches. Most of the leaves seem to collect on my drive plus the leaves off neighbours trees that seem to blow my way too. Anyone want some leaf mould? I have bags of leaves all ready to rot down :)
James has gone again now he's done his 'duty'. He said he'd come with me if I go to pick up Honey today. Bless him.
It does seem strange here without Honey. I really miss her. I know she will want 24hr cuddles when she gets home. It seems strange going upstairs without having her try to race me to the top. I slept in the middle of the bed last night, sprawled out. No grumbling dog to disturb LOL She will have to get used to sleeping alone downstairs now. :(
John has said I can borrow his puppy gate (baby gate really) to help stop Honey attempting to get upstairs and getting stuck either half way up or at the top because she can't come down them again. Her desire to be close to me over-rides any other ideas and she would try to follow me upstairs no matter how difficult it was.
Watch this space for updates and news x
I have attempted to get a parcel delivery rearranged. It was due Wednesday and of course came while I was taking Honey to the vet. I rearranged delivery for Friday on their automated phone system. However since there is now a chance I may be collecting Honey Friday, I tried to rearrange delivery to Monday. The automated phone system only allows you one change, and gave me a number to call to speak to a real person. Great! I double checked the number they gave me and called it. Nothing! No ringing, no 'number unavailable' just silence. I rang the automated system again and checked the number I had written down. Yes I had it right. Dialled again very carefully. Still dead silence. A few ripe words later I got on the pc and googled them. A different number! Great! Except.... no answer.. dead silence again! I then tried a different listing for them and found another different number, and it rang!! Yayyy...err...umm... automated answer grrrr. "All our operatives are busy. Please try later or leave a recorded message!" So... I've left a message!! No - not a rude one - not in my nature. Fingers crossed someone listens to it, or Honey comes home today and I'm in when they deliver tomorrow, or maybe Monday, which is what I've asked for now.
I am in shock! My lovely no. 1 son has just been over as he's got the day off and he's checking up on me! Aww bless! He's swept the leaves off the drive for me as it was a thick carpet and slippery. I was worried about my safety and that of post men etc.
My house is the end of a cul-de-sac and there are many trees to the side. The worst is a weeping willow that seems to shed leaves all year round, but is particularly bad in autumn when it drops the lot in about 2-3 weeks. I also have oak trees and assorted rowans, maples and silver birches. Most of the leaves seem to collect on my drive plus the leaves off neighbours trees that seem to blow my way too. Anyone want some leaf mould? I have bags of leaves all ready to rot down :)
James has gone again now he's done his 'duty'. He said he'd come with me if I go to pick up Honey today. Bless him.
It does seem strange here without Honey. I really miss her. I know she will want 24hr cuddles when she gets home. It seems strange going upstairs without having her try to race me to the top. I slept in the middle of the bed last night, sprawled out. No grumbling dog to disturb LOL She will have to get used to sleeping alone downstairs now. :(
John has said I can borrow his puppy gate (baby gate really) to help stop Honey attempting to get upstairs and getting stuck either half way up or at the top because she can't come down them again. Her desire to be close to me over-rides any other ideas and she would try to follow me upstairs no matter how difficult it was.
Watch this space for updates and news x
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Bad news
Well she's been x-rayed and scanned and operated on. There were bits chipped off the end of the radius so it was likely to fuse to the wrist bones anyway, and some other minor damage to the wrist bones so the surgeon has sorted the broken ulna and realigned it, removed all the small bone chips and fragments from the joint, and fixed the whole thing with external pins and frame! The bones will grow together to give a fixed joint. The broken bone had come through the skin so there is a high risk of infection and having the external pins will be a safer option and help reduce the infection risk. Honey is not out of the woods yet and they are keeping her until Friday to check for signs of infection and let her get used to her 'wired' leg before she comes home. I know it will stabilise the leg and stop pain but I am a little daunted at what's ahead. Honey is my shadow and goes everywhere with me when I am at home, even the loo! She will not be able to go up and down stairs for a long time and she will go nuts when I go upstairs and she can't. But she should be able to move around at home ok and manage walks on a lead. Her wrist will be fixed and rigid once it all heals up so she will not be able to run around again like she loved to do until now. The frame will have to stay on for months! But removal of it is a simple job when all is healed up. It's going to be hard work for me - maybe that's a good thing. She adapted to the plaster cast and dressing she had on overnight very quickly and managed to totter out into the garden to toilet in the night. 3 am wee, back to bed and sleep, 3.45 am poo :( back to the sofa and sleep again. She woke me several times during the night with her whining and wimpering but she managed to sleep in between too.
I spent the first 2 hours on the recliner chair but I prefer sleeping on my side so I moved to the sofa. Jen was amazed at how thin my duvet was. It's a 4 tog! I have topped it with a thin throw during the coldest nights of the freeze but I have no heating in my bedroom and I woke at times feeling hot and throwing off the throw! Summer time its just a sheet or nothing at all.
I do hope Honey copes with separation over the next 2 days. She is a real Mummy's girl. She will not leave my side when she gets home and I will get the full, big, brown eyed treatment if I dare to stop cuddling her.
Bless you Honey and may you sleep well without me. I will enjoy my bed tonight!
I spent the first 2 hours on the recliner chair but I prefer sleeping on my side so I moved to the sofa. Jen was amazed at how thin my duvet was. It's a 4 tog! I have topped it with a thin throw during the coldest nights of the freeze but I have no heating in my bedroom and I woke at times feeling hot and throwing off the throw! Summer time its just a sheet or nothing at all.
I do hope Honey copes with separation over the next 2 days. She is a real Mummy's girl. She will not leave my side when she gets home and I will get the full, big, brown eyed treatment if I dare to stop cuddling her.
Bless you Honey and may you sleep well without me. I will enjoy my bed tonight!
Ohhh Honey Honey
Honey knows how to milk a situation like this. She will be pampered and spoiled, whether we like it or not. I do hope they can keep the joint mobile so she will still be able to run, albeit slower than before. If they have to fuse the bones she will have a rigid wrist and be walking with a stiff leg :( but at least she is alive and kicking. It's almost 4 years to the day I lost my previous greyhound when she was running full tilt at the same park and turned back on herself. Her front end came round the corner but her back end slipped and she twisted breaking her back. The same vet, who's seeing to Honey now, saw Kate and put her to sleep as there was no feeling or nerve working beyond her shoulders. At least Honey should survive this. As she had small nicks and cuts from the ice there is a high risk of infection post op so we have to be careful with her and keep her on anti-biotics for a while.
I collect Honey tomorrow and I hope she is ok.
I collect Honey tomorrow and I hope she is ok.
Broken bones :(
It had to happen. I took Honey for her usual walk at Baiter Park. It was dusk, about 4pm and not many dog walkers around. She did her poo across the far side of the field so I collected it and headed back towards the bin. I heard a short yelp behind me and saw Honey just standing on the grass. I called her and she tried to move but was obviously limping and her foot was twisted outwards. I told her to stay and ran to her. I could see her front leg bent at the 'wrist' at a weird angle and I was sure she'd broken something. Luckily a very nice man and his wife came along with their dog and carried Honey to the car. I called the vet to say I was on my way and took her there straight away. He sedated her and gave her a painkilling injection immediately. A quick examination show some dislocation and a possible fracture so he sent me away while he anaesthetised her, x-rayed her and operated. He pulled her foot and straightened it to fix the dislocation and pull the ends of the broken bone in line again. It's the equivalent of breaking the ulna just above the wrist. The radius had moved out of position in the 'wrist' too so he got it as straight as he could. He has booked her into an orthopedic vet clinic for an op tomorrow to have her leg stretched and pinned while it heals. It will then be in a proper cast and she will be able to walk around on it. Just face weeks of slow walks until the cast is off :( There is a chance they may have to fuse the wrist bones if the joint is too badly damaged :(
I did not see what happened to Honey but judging by the small cuts and bruises coming apparent I think she must have run across a frozen puddle and her foot broke through the ice and made her fall and roll over. She has several small cuts, one requiring a couple of stitches, and now the bruises are beginning to show. She must have been travelling at speed and went flying when her foot went through the ice.
I was wondering how I'd cope with her on my own as she is way too big and heavy for me to carry her. Jen managed to carry her in from the car when I got home with her but she weighs about 30 kg - as much as 2 big sacks of dog food! Jen is used to toting 25kg bales of hay for the horses but 30 of wriggling dog is a different matter.
Honey is now tottering around the house on her splint and cast so I'm sure she'll be ok with a proper full cast. I just wish she'd do a wee. She hasn't drunk or eaten anything since getting home and has been out in the garden 3 times but not pee'd :(
Don't fancy my chances of getting much sleep tonight on the sofa :(
I did not see what happened to Honey but judging by the small cuts and bruises coming apparent I think she must have run across a frozen puddle and her foot broke through the ice and made her fall and roll over. She has several small cuts, one requiring a couple of stitches, and now the bruises are beginning to show. She must have been travelling at speed and went flying when her foot went through the ice.
I was wondering how I'd cope with her on my own as she is way too big and heavy for me to carry her. Jen managed to carry her in from the car when I got home with her but she weighs about 30 kg - as much as 2 big sacks of dog food! Jen is used to toting 25kg bales of hay for the horses but 30 of wriggling dog is a different matter.
Honey is now tottering around the house on her splint and cast so I'm sure she'll be ok with a proper full cast. I just wish she'd do a wee. She hasn't drunk or eaten anything since getting home and has been out in the garden 3 times but not pee'd :(
Don't fancy my chances of getting much sleep tonight on the sofa :(
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
It's a pain in the ....
...knees, back, head LOL I feel about 90 today! But I need to keep moving to keep parts working. I've had a large coffee, a couple of slices of Marmite toast, and feel more human.
It's a frosty morning here again with a blanket of mist hanging over the harbour. The view from my house is straight down the road, downhill towards the town centre and harbour. Depending how much/little of the town I can see I can judge the degree of mist/fog. If I can't see the bottom of our road it's bad LOL.
The electricity men are back today but just one big lorry and one small van :) The road is passable. Not sure what they are doing but there was a lot of noise about 8 am when they arrived and started off-loading their gear. I hope they have their thermals on - can only be about -1 or -2 this morning. I've just had a look and the big lorry looks like a huge generator, designed to keep the supply going to the houses while they work on the sub station. I guess they don't want the whole set up live on the main electrcitiy supply while they are doing things to it LOL.
Honey was left alone most of yesterday, in 3 hour chunks, and she told me in no uncertain terms last night she felt deprived and I had to cuddle her to make up for it. I was trying to watch the two episodes of Coronation Street I missed while we were out, and I had this loving greyhound pushing her nose at me and pressing herself against me for attention. She would not let me stop stroking her for ages. I slept last night with her up against my back too. She has her side of the bed to sleep on with her blanket on it, but she likes to know I am there and often moves over to be in contact, and then she has the nerve to grumble at me if I roll over and disturb her!
Ah Honey has just appeared after having a nap on my bed, to now have a nap on her rug in the living room. Tough life eh? Who said she's spoiled? :-) she had a tough time as a racer for the first half of her life and now she has warmth, comfort and love. I think she deserves it. I can't get my head round the fact she is now 7 and into the 'senior dog' age group. She still runs like the wind when she feels like it and outpaces virtually every other dog around, apart from Alfie, who is 2 years old and a Saluki/greyhound lurcher. He is younger and slimmer than Honey and wow can he run! I love to watch playful Jack Russells try to chase her. She does her big circle at speed and they run a small circle inside hers :-D
Tonight is our girl's night in together. I don't get to spend a lot of time with my Jen so it's good to cook and eat together, and watch some TV and chat. I think it might be 'get the tree up' night tonight :) we were discussing colour scheme last night.
My living room is very cream and brown with teal/turquoise accents (get me! LOL) and a few years ago now I splashed out on a load of new decorations in silver, white, turquoise, dark purply blue, and emerald green. Each year we have picked one or more colours as our theme for the year. The last two years have been plain white and silver with no tinsel (my choice), so I am letting Jen choose the scheme for this year. She loves tinsel so I know what's coming :-( but not sure what colour(s) she will pick. I might just go and see what colours are 'in' in B&Q this year :-)
I did see some lovely coppery/bronze decorations a couple of years ago that I liked but no doubt they are not trendy this year. The only colour scheme I am not allowed is traditional red, green and gold :-( I have thrown out a lot of old decorations that were past their 'best before' date. I had a box load of small 'parcels' in red and white which I loved but maybe after 30 odd years it's time they went back to Santa for recycling. If you want to make things like that, then polystyrene packaging block cut into small cubes makes a good base which can be wrapped in a wrapping paper to match your colour scheme. Tied with coloured ribbon to match, they look exciting and colourful. I am sure you have some polystyrene 'shapes' around somewhere from packaging electrical goods. They cut easily with a sharp kitchen knife.
I'd better get some chores done rather than sit here all day, warm and comfy as it is. Take care, keep warm, and be happy! It's nearly Christmas! AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!
It's a frosty morning here again with a blanket of mist hanging over the harbour. The view from my house is straight down the road, downhill towards the town centre and harbour. Depending how much/little of the town I can see I can judge the degree of mist/fog. If I can't see the bottom of our road it's bad LOL.
The electricity men are back today but just one big lorry and one small van :) The road is passable. Not sure what they are doing but there was a lot of noise about 8 am when they arrived and started off-loading their gear. I hope they have their thermals on - can only be about -1 or -2 this morning. I've just had a look and the big lorry looks like a huge generator, designed to keep the supply going to the houses while they work on the sub station. I guess they don't want the whole set up live on the main electrcitiy supply while they are doing things to it LOL.
Honey was left alone most of yesterday, in 3 hour chunks, and she told me in no uncertain terms last night she felt deprived and I had to cuddle her to make up for it. I was trying to watch the two episodes of Coronation Street I missed while we were out, and I had this loving greyhound pushing her nose at me and pressing herself against me for attention. She would not let me stop stroking her for ages. I slept last night with her up against my back too. She has her side of the bed to sleep on with her blanket on it, but she likes to know I am there and often moves over to be in contact, and then she has the nerve to grumble at me if I roll over and disturb her!
Ah Honey has just appeared after having a nap on my bed, to now have a nap on her rug in the living room. Tough life eh? Who said she's spoiled? :-) she had a tough time as a racer for the first half of her life and now she has warmth, comfort and love. I think she deserves it. I can't get my head round the fact she is now 7 and into the 'senior dog' age group. She still runs like the wind when she feels like it and outpaces virtually every other dog around, apart from Alfie, who is 2 years old and a Saluki/greyhound lurcher. He is younger and slimmer than Honey and wow can he run! I love to watch playful Jack Russells try to chase her. She does her big circle at speed and they run a small circle inside hers :-D
Tonight is our girl's night in together. I don't get to spend a lot of time with my Jen so it's good to cook and eat together, and watch some TV and chat. I think it might be 'get the tree up' night tonight :) we were discussing colour scheme last night.
My living room is very cream and brown with teal/turquoise accents (get me! LOL) and a few years ago now I splashed out on a load of new decorations in silver, white, turquoise, dark purply blue, and emerald green. Each year we have picked one or more colours as our theme for the year. The last two years have been plain white and silver with no tinsel (my choice), so I am letting Jen choose the scheme for this year. She loves tinsel so I know what's coming :-( but not sure what colour(s) she will pick. I might just go and see what colours are 'in' in B&Q this year :-)
I did see some lovely coppery/bronze decorations a couple of years ago that I liked but no doubt they are not trendy this year. The only colour scheme I am not allowed is traditional red, green and gold :-( I have thrown out a lot of old decorations that were past their 'best before' date. I had a box load of small 'parcels' in red and white which I loved but maybe after 30 odd years it's time they went back to Santa for recycling. If you want to make things like that, then polystyrene packaging block cut into small cubes makes a good base which can be wrapped in a wrapping paper to match your colour scheme. Tied with coloured ribbon to match, they look exciting and colourful. I am sure you have some polystyrene 'shapes' around somewhere from packaging electrical goods. They cut easily with a sharp kitchen knife.
I'd better get some chores done rather than sit here all day, warm and comfy as it is. Take care, keep warm, and be happy! It's nearly Christmas! AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!
Monday, 6 December 2010
We are the Champions, my frie-end!
What we thought was a tough quiz turned out to be tougher for the other teams than it was for us LOL and we won! Not many teams there tonight. Must have been something good on TV for once LOL Or everyone is broke!
It's Kev's birthday tomorrow (checks clock) yes tomorrow - Dec 7th. Have a good one Kev xx
It's Kev's birthday tomorrow (checks clock) yes tomorrow - Dec 7th. Have a good one Kev xx
What hit me?
Jen managed to use the bathroom and head downstairs without waking me and I surfaced as she went out the front door. I stayed in bed cuddled up with the dog, awake but snuggled up. Then my mobile rings. It's across the room. *sigh* roll out of warm bed and plod round the bed to get phone. Pick it up and..it stops ringing. *sigh* It was Jenny. Uh-oh! Had she had an accident? broken down? I started to call her back when the main land line phone rings. It's probably Jen, and the phone is by the bed. I scramble back round the bed.
"Hi Mum. Did I leave my work security badge at home? Can you look for me?"
No need for me to look. I knew exactly where it was as I'd spotted it Saturday. So I get dressed and wrap up against the -1 degC out side. Mum to the rescue! (again).
It takes me 5 mins to de-ice the car from the thick frost all over it and I head into Bournemouth. It's only a 20 min drive to her work outside the rush hour so I dropped off her badge and headed back home.
Did I mention the electricity workmen? No? OK when I came to leave the house to take Jen's badge, I found our end of the cul-de-sac chock-a-block with lorries and vans. The electricity people were replacing part of the small sub-station opposite my house. Lovely! They'd left just enough gap for me to drive out of my drive and down the road but 2 more vans were arriving as I left. When I got back home I could not get to my house for all the vans and cars. My neighbour was just off to work and said I could use his drive as he'd be gone all day. I parked on it and walked up the hill to my house. I let Honey out to do her poo and had a pee myself (TMI?) before heading out again. I popped over to John's for a coffee and then we headed out into town for a pub lunch. Good old 'spoons! :) I had a lovely chilli with rice and nachos, and John had a meat feast in the form of a mixed grill. I was scheduled to take Linda to the hospital so had to watch the time. I dropped John home then headed for Linda's. She's only 5 mins down the road from him BUT I had forgotten the roadworks which closed the road between the two! I had to make a 7 mile detour instead of a 2 mile hop :(. I picked up Linda pretty much on time and we headed into Poole and the hospital car park. It looked pretty full but I know they have loads of disabled parking bays so we would be ok. Hmmm - usually yes but today? No! I drove round and round the car park and all the blue badge spaces were taken! So up we went, 2 floors higher to find a space at all. We parked and headed to the lifts. Stood and waited ages. No sign or sound of movement so we went down the stairs. Linda is virtually blind and I need to hold the rails too so she took one side and I took the other rail. We had 4 flights of stairs to descend and made it fine. Then we had the walk through the covered walkway from the car park to the hospital entrance. In through the lower ground entrance, along the corridor to the lifts and up to the second floor for the day patient centre. I deposited Linda and headed back out again. I had to sit on a bench near the entrance for 5 mins as my knees were protesting. But was then able to walk back through the walkway to the car park. I headed for the lifts but by now they had notices on them saying out of order! *sigh* I plodded back up the 4 flights of stairs and got back to the car nearly in tears with the pain. I was so relieved to sit down and bend my knees. I drove home and got there about 3. I decided if I didn't take Honey walkies then and there I would not make it before it got dark, and I'd not get out with her before |I had to go pick up Linda again. So I called Honey down and she came running and leapt into the car all excited. I put her fleece coat on her and shut her in. She was happy to go out, and when we arrived at Baiter she saw her best mate Lenny, and the pair of them had a rapturous tail wagging session. They had a short chase around with each other but Lenny was on his way home so they could not play for long. Lenny is exactly the same colouring as Honey but he's a fraction smaller and he's a lurcher not a greyhound. He loves Honey and everyone he meets. He's a little sweetheart.
When I got home with Honey, I collapsed in the recliner, got my legs up, and fell asleep! I had about half an hour of bliss then woke up and had trouble moving my legs :( I gave Honey her dinner and had just sat down again when the phone rang. Linda was ready to come home! My heart sank but knew I had to do it. I headed back to the hospital and luckily got a parking space in the small bit by the entrance. So no car park to negotiate, and no walkway :-). Linda was waitng and ready to go so I was soon back on the road taking her home.
All done and home by 6.
Have had a coffee and a nutty chocolate ( Milk Tray) now we are off to the pub. Quiz night! Yayy! Hope we win!
"Hi Mum. Did I leave my work security badge at home? Can you look for me?"
No need for me to look. I knew exactly where it was as I'd spotted it Saturday. So I get dressed and wrap up against the -1 degC out side. Mum to the rescue! (again).
It takes me 5 mins to de-ice the car from the thick frost all over it and I head into Bournemouth. It's only a 20 min drive to her work outside the rush hour so I dropped off her badge and headed back home.
Did I mention the electricity workmen? No? OK when I came to leave the house to take Jen's badge, I found our end of the cul-de-sac chock-a-block with lorries and vans. The electricity people were replacing part of the small sub-station opposite my house. Lovely! They'd left just enough gap for me to drive out of my drive and down the road but 2 more vans were arriving as I left. When I got back home I could not get to my house for all the vans and cars. My neighbour was just off to work and said I could use his drive as he'd be gone all day. I parked on it and walked up the hill to my house. I let Honey out to do her poo and had a pee myself (TMI?) before heading out again. I popped over to John's for a coffee and then we headed out into town for a pub lunch. Good old 'spoons! :) I had a lovely chilli with rice and nachos, and John had a meat feast in the form of a mixed grill. I was scheduled to take Linda to the hospital so had to watch the time. I dropped John home then headed for Linda's. She's only 5 mins down the road from him BUT I had forgotten the roadworks which closed the road between the two! I had to make a 7 mile detour instead of a 2 mile hop :(. I picked up Linda pretty much on time and we headed into Poole and the hospital car park. It looked pretty full but I know they have loads of disabled parking bays so we would be ok. Hmmm - usually yes but today? No! I drove round and round the car park and all the blue badge spaces were taken! So up we went, 2 floors higher to find a space at all. We parked and headed to the lifts. Stood and waited ages. No sign or sound of movement so we went down the stairs. Linda is virtually blind and I need to hold the rails too so she took one side and I took the other rail. We had 4 flights of stairs to descend and made it fine. Then we had the walk through the covered walkway from the car park to the hospital entrance. In through the lower ground entrance, along the corridor to the lifts and up to the second floor for the day patient centre. I deposited Linda and headed back out again. I had to sit on a bench near the entrance for 5 mins as my knees were protesting. But was then able to walk back through the walkway to the car park. I headed for the lifts but by now they had notices on them saying out of order! *sigh* I plodded back up the 4 flights of stairs and got back to the car nearly in tears with the pain. I was so relieved to sit down and bend my knees. I drove home and got there about 3. I decided if I didn't take Honey walkies then and there I would not make it before it got dark, and I'd not get out with her before |I had to go pick up Linda again. So I called Honey down and she came running and leapt into the car all excited. I put her fleece coat on her and shut her in. She was happy to go out, and when we arrived at Baiter she saw her best mate Lenny, and the pair of them had a rapturous tail wagging session. They had a short chase around with each other but Lenny was on his way home so they could not play for long. Lenny is exactly the same colouring as Honey but he's a fraction smaller and he's a lurcher not a greyhound. He loves Honey and everyone he meets. He's a little sweetheart.
When I got home with Honey, I collapsed in the recliner, got my legs up, and fell asleep! I had about half an hour of bliss then woke up and had trouble moving my legs :( I gave Honey her dinner and had just sat down again when the phone rang. Linda was ready to come home! My heart sank but knew I had to do it. I headed back to the hospital and luckily got a parking space in the small bit by the entrance. So no car park to negotiate, and no walkway :-). Linda was waitng and ready to go so I was soon back on the road taking her home.
All done and home by 6.
Have had a coffee and a nutty chocolate ( Milk Tray) now we are off to the pub. Quiz night! Yayy! Hope we win!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
It's lovely out - still cold-ish but the sun is shining and melted away all the frost.
I had fun with the boys last night. I am afraid they were still up and playing me up at 10.30. Somehow Jack thinks running around keeping his little brother awake and pestering me is a good way to get to sleep! He complained he couldn't sleep! I said it does help to be in bed for a start. LOL It all went quiet about 10 to 11 'Phew!'
I stopped and had a little chat with Craig & Di before heading home. They'd been bowling with a load of mates.
I had fun with the boys last night. I am afraid they were still up and playing me up at 10.30. Somehow Jack thinks running around keeping his little brother awake and pestering me is a good way to get to sleep! He complained he couldn't sleep! I said it does help to be in bed for a start. LOL It all went quiet about 10 to 11 'Phew!'
I stopped and had a little chat with Craig & Di before heading home. They'd been bowling with a load of mates.
I slept in until 9 this morning :-D Lovely! I had a leisurely bath and got dressed and the dog was still curled up snug on my bed, enjoying an active dream, paws twitching, faint little woofs :-) aww bless her!
I had a parcel delivery this morning!! While I was in the bath of course! It was the replacement handle bit for my Dyson cleaner. Jenny managed to trip over the Dyson a couple of weeks ago and smashed it against a cupboard and the handle end snapped off. It's the bit all the accessories fit onto so a fairly vital part! The wonderful Dyson site enables you to buy almost any part of a Dyson should it break. I also ordered a replacement head - stair attachment - as mine has been missing for years. Not seen it since getting the machine back from my Craig after his marriage and setting up home with his now ex-wife. Now I can 'do' my stairs properly again :-) rather than manage with attachments not designed for the job and a stiff rubber brush (thank you JML).
I said all our snow has gone, but there is a tiny remnant on the front drive from Jen's attempt at a snowman. It's just a small mound of icy melting snow. Apart from that, you'd never have believed 3 days ago is was all under 4 or 5 inches of white stuff.
I thought I had picky birds in my garden - 2 seed feeders with same seeds in each but one feeder got emptied twice as quickly as the other, Mystery! Solved yesterday! I came down to find a fat pigeon perched on the lip of the feeder tray just able to reach the seed feeder and hoover up the contents! I know it's also in easy squirrel reach from that tray so this morning I moved it! The squirrel can probably still get at it if determined enough but it should be beyond the reach of the wood pigeons now.
Time for sunday afternoon nap I think. Full tummy and the sofa is calling me LOL
Bye for now.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Saturday Night out!
I have a date! With two handsome young men! My grandsons! LOL
Love those boys so much. It will probably bugger up my TV viewing for the night though :( no relaxing in front of TV with Strictly and X Factor - it will be games and the fight to get them to bed :-)
I'd better get some food in me before it's too late. I've just assembled my new PC chair and need sustinance!
See you tomorrow. xx
Love those boys so much. It will probably bugger up my TV viewing for the night though :( no relaxing in front of TV with Strictly and X Factor - it will be games and the fight to get them to bed :-)
I'd better get some food in me before it's too late. I've just assembled my new PC chair and need sustinance!
See you tomorrow. xx
Friday, 3 December 2010
Snap crackle crunch!
No, not a new breakfast cereal! The sounds of neighbours' cars going down the road. The crunch was not cars crashing it was the ice breaking under the tyres :) No new snow, just so cold even salted paths and drives have refrozen! The sun is trying to break through but is weak and watery. I am staying in where it's warm and snug. Me and the dog, cuddled up close, warm and comfy.
I hope you are coping with conditions where you are.
I hope you are coping with conditions where you are.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Poor Postie!
Not quite sure what's going on at our local sorting office but post rounds vary in timing from day to day. Some days it's 9 am ish, today it was 10 to 4! Poor post man looked frozen! It's getting dark here now and the temperature is dropping still further.
We have not had any fresh snow today and I'm not sure we'll get any more tonight but it's going to be VERY cold and roads will ice over in places. I am definitely not going anywhere tonight! Jen texted me to say the office is closing at 5 and she'll be coming home then instead of the 8 o'clock finish she was due to have. I am glad. I was worried she'd be driving on icy frozen roads with not much traffic around.
I do hope you are ok where you are. x
We have not had any fresh snow today and I'm not sure we'll get any more tonight but it's going to be VERY cold and roads will ice over in places. I am definitely not going anywhere tonight! Jen texted me to say the office is closing at 5 and she'll be coming home then instead of the 8 o'clock finish she was due to have. I am glad. I was worried she'd be driving on icy frozen roads with not much traffic around.
I do hope you are ok where you are. x
I've got about 5 inches!
Looking at the snow on the bird feeder I'd estimate 4-5 inches. The dog loved it but not for long. She stepped out into it. Stood still for a few seconds taking it all in, then hopped a few steps and squatted to pee. She then did a wild, throwing herself about, sort of dance and dashed for the door to come in again. Made her all frisky :)
Jen was out in it as early as she could to take photos and then clear her car. She attempted to make a snow man but apparently it's the wrong kind of snow LOL.
Jen was out in it as early as she could to take photos and then clear her car. She attempted to make a snow man but apparently it's the wrong kind of snow LOL.
The harbour is beyond the trees in the distance but lost in falling snow/mist.
The bins are out for the re-cycling collection but I somehow feel the men will not be coming today - Elfin Safety will stop the men running around in icy conditions, never mind the lorry slipping and sliding on the hills.
I am staying home today. Jenny has gone to work as main roads are clear or passable and she has a 4x4. I've texted her with a few shopping needs for her to pick up lunch time or on her way home. Then I'll be set for the weekend. I knew those 12 tins of baked beans would come in handy LOL. A well stocked store cupboard and freezer will see you through any snow-in.
I am layered up today. Undies, t shirt as a vest, leggings instead of tights, skirt and thick jumper. The house is warm and so am I and the dog :) Curtains closed apart from the livng room, and doors shut to keep heat in. Toastie warm!
Do give a thought to any neighbours who might be in trouble. Give them a call to make sure they are ok.
Please stay safe wherever you are. x
We got snow! Finally
I know it's old news for most of the country and you're all fed up with it, but we so rarely see snow here, it's exciting! It's snowing steadily now and laying nicely :) let's hope it lasts til morning!At least long enough to take a photo or 2.
It was the folk festival meeting tonight and it was so nice not to be chairman any more. Good luck to David trying to organise that bunch :-) I tried and failed. I give him 3 months before the rot sets in. Get a bunch of mostly aging women together and they..err gossip and chat and ignore the business in hand.:-) but the work gets done too. He tried to agree dates for the year ahead for meetings but I bet most will get changed as we go through the year :-) Not that I'm doubting his good intentions or abilities, but I know how the committee work and they are very reluctant to change their ways. At least I can miss meetings with a clear conscience.
I am hoping we don't get loads of snow tonight to stop us going to the folk club tomorrow night! I want just enough to look pretty in the morning, and melt by afternoon :-)
I now have MS Office installed and working on this pc. Just need to work out where to put the printers now :) I am getting there!
I had fun today with my almost-blind friend, Linda. I picked her up lunch time and we had a smashing pub lunch at the Acorn, then I took her to the hospital for her appointment. Luckily they have plenty of blue badge spaces so we parked easily. A short walk through to the main building, up in a lift and there we were. Not too far to walk at all. Took Linda home afterwards then headed out with Honey.
I have found the perfect solution to going out in a skirt in this cold weather. I wore leggings underneath! Stopped the cold draught LOL
I think it might be big boots day tomorrow. I have these brilliant sheepskin lined boots with thick ridged soles, rubber waterproof foot section and soft suede upper bit with a zip. All sheepskin lined and warm. Perfect for snowy conditions :-)
To all those of you who have spent days under snow and are fed up with it, my sympathies and apologies, but I am sooooo looking forward to a snowy day or 2 here! YAYYYY
It was the folk festival meeting tonight and it was so nice not to be chairman any more. Good luck to David trying to organise that bunch :-) I tried and failed. I give him 3 months before the rot sets in. Get a bunch of mostly aging women together and they..err gossip and chat and ignore the business in hand.:-) but the work gets done too. He tried to agree dates for the year ahead for meetings but I bet most will get changed as we go through the year :-) Not that I'm doubting his good intentions or abilities, but I know how the committee work and they are very reluctant to change their ways. At least I can miss meetings with a clear conscience.
I am hoping we don't get loads of snow tonight to stop us going to the folk club tomorrow night! I want just enough to look pretty in the morning, and melt by afternoon :-)
I now have MS Office installed and working on this pc. Just need to work out where to put the printers now :) I am getting there!
I had fun today with my almost-blind friend, Linda. I picked her up lunch time and we had a smashing pub lunch at the Acorn, then I took her to the hospital for her appointment. Luckily they have plenty of blue badge spaces so we parked easily. A short walk through to the main building, up in a lift and there we were. Not too far to walk at all. Took Linda home afterwards then headed out with Honey.
I have found the perfect solution to going out in a skirt in this cold weather. I wore leggings underneath! Stopped the cold draught LOL
I think it might be big boots day tomorrow. I have these brilliant sheepskin lined boots with thick ridged soles, rubber waterproof foot section and soft suede upper bit with a zip. All sheepskin lined and warm. Perfect for snowy conditions :-)
To all those of you who have spent days under snow and are fed up with it, my sympathies and apologies, but I am sooooo looking forward to a snowy day or 2 here! YAYYYY
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
No snow
When I went to bed last night it was snowing steadily and I had high hopes for a good covering by this morning. However when I looked out of my bedroom window there was nothing! Just a trace of white in the odd corner and on loose leaves. Nothing more than a heavy frost would have shown. Oh well there is time yet for some white stuff.
No doubt any of you with inches or even feet of the stuff are probably wishing it all gone. So I should be grateful we don't have the inconvenience, but I like snow!
Do take care of yourselves and stay warm. x
No doubt any of you with inches or even feet of the stuff are probably wishing it all gone. So I should be grateful we don't have the inconvenience, but I like snow!
Do take care of yourselves and stay warm. x
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
First time I ventured out today was to walk Honey. Anyone meeting me would have wondered who the yeti was LOL I had big (fake) furry hat, fake furry coat, trousers and boots, plus thick gloves but I forgot a scarf to wrap round my neck and face and I needed one! Car said 0oC but wind chill of about -5 made it bitter. It was also a bit damp trying to sleet/snow which made it REALLY cold. Even Honey beat me back to the car to come home LOL she had her race around in her warm fleece coat then went to the car and waited for me to catch her up. I was so glad to get out of that wind. The house is snug and warm thank goodness. Honey is stretched out on her duvet instead of curled up to keep warm :)
Ahhh it's Emmerdale time! Bye for now x
![]() |
In warmer times |
Let's get quizzical, quizzical...
Monday night is pub quiz night most weeks. We have a nice team of five now who cover most bases quite nicely, apart from Football, and we all hate that and know nothing about it. The last 3 weeks has seen us 2 team members down, as Kev has been rehearsing for the Christmas Mummers Play. Last night we welcomed back Kev and Sheila and benefitted from their input hugely. Kev is our music genius and we went from a struggling 6 - 8 points without him to a magnificent 18/20 last night. We managed second place in the main quiz with a low score of 31/40 when the winners got 35. Lots seemed to struggle last night. At least pub was lovely and warm :) I had my favourite dish for dinner prior to the quiz - lamb shank, with cabbage, carrots, green beans and mash with mint gravy - mmmmmmmmmm. James and Jenny had Angus burgers which looked lovely.
Hmm talking food just before lunch time is bad. I now feel very hungry! I am going to wack on some pasta and heat up a portion of my home made bolognese sauce for lunch. Onion and garlic rich, it should help boost my immune system. Might not make me too popular with friends tho LOL
The fish are looking fine. I hope they stay that way.
I have discovered one problem with phones now I have moved my PC base from the dining room to the living room. I had the phone next to the PC for convenience, plus and extension in the living room. Now I have the PC in the living room but it's tucked behind the sofa and I can't get to the phone quick enough before the answering machine picks up the call.
(5 mins later) Having just almost fallen over myself attempting to answer the phone for the third time this morning, I have now moved the extension from the dining room into the living room by the PC! So we have 2 phones in the living room at opposite ends :) and I can answer the phone quickly now YAYY result!
I love digital phone systems as I have phones all round the house, almost.
Weather update : It did turn to snow - for about 5 mins - and now has stopped doing anything. However a lovely bit of snow laden cloud is moving in so I live in hopes.
Hmm talking food just before lunch time is bad. I now feel very hungry! I am going to wack on some pasta and heat up a portion of my home made bolognese sauce for lunch. Onion and garlic rich, it should help boost my immune system. Might not make me too popular with friends tho LOL
The fish are looking fine. I hope they stay that way.
I have discovered one problem with phones now I have moved my PC base from the dining room to the living room. I had the phone next to the PC for convenience, plus and extension in the living room. Now I have the PC in the living room but it's tucked behind the sofa and I can't get to the phone quick enough before the answering machine picks up the call.
(5 mins later) Having just almost fallen over myself attempting to answer the phone for the third time this morning, I have now moved the extension from the dining room into the living room by the PC! So we have 2 phones in the living room at opposite ends :) and I can answer the phone quickly now YAYY result!
I love digital phone systems as I have phones all round the house, almost.
Weather update : It did turn to snow - for about 5 mins - and now has stopped doing anything. However a lovely bit of snow laden cloud is moving in so I live in hopes.
This was last winter's dusting. I am hoping for more this time round. :)
Watch this space!
Monday, 29 November 2010
We have fish!
Jen made it home safely with a huge builder's type bucket full of water and fish. 14 lovely healthy goldfish are now resident for three months or so. I hope she has 14 to take back to the farm in the spring!
I must apologise for yesterday's over-indulgence. I'm sure the minute details of my day were riveting reading - NOT.
I paid the price of all the water carrying by having painful knees in the night. I tried to roll over in bed but it took me a few minutes as pain shot through my knee. I had to inch over a bit at a time. It didn't help that Honey was cuddled up close and grumbled and grunted at my movement LOL Anyone would think it was cold last night and she felt warmer up against me. I make a good draught stopper :-)
I am actually hobbling around the house with a stick today the pain is so bad. I have some bits to bring downstairs but they can wait until Jenny gets home from work. I am in no shape to carry anything today :-(
I love seeing the photos of all the snow around the country but we have none here - yet! There was a heavy frost this morning so everything was sparkling in the early sun. It all looks pretty, Glad I am not driving until later.
Bad news! A magpie has discovered my feeding station! He has been hanging around trying to get at the suet cake and keeping my small regular visitors away :-( They need their suet fuel in this weather.
A stupid pigeon flew into the patio doors with a resounding DONK this morning. The windows face north and were reflecting the brightly sunlit garden so I expect he thought he was flying through. He looked a bit startled but flew away after a few seconds. Maybe it will stop him shovelling down the birdfood like a Dyson sucking up dirt. I have very fat, well fed wood pigeons :-)
I usually leave the doors inside the house open all the time but in this cold snap I am closing them to stop draughts and keep the living room warmest for comfort. The only problem is Honey is used to having a free run round the house and she hates shut doors. She is always on the wrong side of a closed door!
Tonight is pub quiz night YAYY I just hope we do a whole lot better than last week!
Please come back Kev & Sheila, we need you!
Have a good week whatever you're up to. Stay warm and safe above all else. x
I must apologise for yesterday's over-indulgence. I'm sure the minute details of my day were riveting reading - NOT.
I paid the price of all the water carrying by having painful knees in the night. I tried to roll over in bed but it took me a few minutes as pain shot through my knee. I had to inch over a bit at a time. It didn't help that Honey was cuddled up close and grumbled and grunted at my movement LOL Anyone would think it was cold last night and she felt warmer up against me. I make a good draught stopper :-)
I am actually hobbling around the house with a stick today the pain is so bad. I have some bits to bring downstairs but they can wait until Jenny gets home from work. I am in no shape to carry anything today :-(
I love seeing the photos of all the snow around the country but we have none here - yet! There was a heavy frost this morning so everything was sparkling in the early sun. It all looks pretty, Glad I am not driving until later.
Bad news! A magpie has discovered my feeding station! He has been hanging around trying to get at the suet cake and keeping my small regular visitors away :-( They need their suet fuel in this weather.
A stupid pigeon flew into the patio doors with a resounding DONK this morning. The windows face north and were reflecting the brightly sunlit garden so I expect he thought he was flying through. He looked a bit startled but flew away after a few seconds. Maybe it will stop him shovelling down the birdfood like a Dyson sucking up dirt. I have very fat, well fed wood pigeons :-)
I usually leave the doors inside the house open all the time but in this cold snap I am closing them to stop draughts and keep the living room warmest for comfort. The only problem is Honey is used to having a free run round the house and she hates shut doors. She is always on the wrong side of a closed door!
Tonight is pub quiz night YAYY I just hope we do a whole lot better than last week!
Please come back Kev & Sheila, we need you!
Have a good week whatever you're up to. Stay warm and safe above all else. x
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Waiting for fish
Jen should be home soon with the fish! I blimming well hope so after the day I've had! I hope they don't all turn belly up overnight. I have treated the water and had the filter running but it should ideally stand for a couple of days before introducing the fish. Oh well - needs must! I know they will be cramped in the tank, probably 2-3 times the recommended stocking level but it is better than being entombed in ice or suffocated in rank water under the ice.
Watch this space for updates!
Watch this space for updates!
Bloody Sunday!
I'm p'd off. Can you tell? LOL The day started fine. I woke up about 8.15 and lay in bed until 9 cuddled up with Honey (the dog). I had a quick bath and dressed. Let Honey out and then gave her breakfast. She has dry all-in-one mix with a little olive oil drizzled over it. It stops her having dry skin problems and keeps her coat is silky and smooth.
I rounded up the assorted mugs and glasses from around the house to go in the dishwasher. It's amazing how far mugs can walk. Some even hide behind the curtains! With a fully loaded machine I put it on so all would be clean and dry in time for lunch. So far so good.
James was coming over for lunch so I nipped out to Tesco Express to get some potatoes and sausages. When I got in the car I remembered I was low on petrol. The warning light came on Thursday night but it gives me about 50 miles so I ignored it. Now the 'miles to go' was getting down to 25 (40 km actually) so I drove up to the big Tesco for their petrol. There were huge queues but for once I was lucky as two people finished and left as I pulled in and I drove straight in to a pump. I swiped my Tesco card fine, but it thought a long time about my credit card before spitting it back out with a 'Try another card' message :-( Oh b**ger! I used my debit card with no problem but I was worried my credit card had been stopped by the fraud people as had happened twice to me before in last 5 years. Anyway I filled up *wince* and decided it would be less hassle to get my few bits at the Express rather than Tesco Extra so off I drove. Knowing my luck, I suspected the little car park for the little shop would be full, but no! I parked easily and wandered around getting my potatoes, sausages, oh yes and washing up liquid cos I'd just finished the bottle, and some Lenor for Jen (she's allergic to Comfort :-/ ), oh and some Surf liquid, and then toilet rolls because we were running low and Andrex 4 pack was 25p cheaper than Tesco own! and... well you get the picture. I came out with a lot more than I went in intending to buy, but at least the machine there took my credit card with no trouble. I got it home and unpacked just as James walked in. I cooked lunch OK, I had fish with sugar snap peas, mushrooms, and mash, James had sausages and mash as usual.
Did I tell you about the goldfish? Well....at the farm where Jenny keeps her horse, there are loads of water troughs in the paddocks. To help keep these troughs free of insects and green slime, they keep a few goldfish in each tank. I think they are mixed golden orfe and basic goldfish but they do their job well. The horse don't drink them because they dive down when anything approaches the tank. Anyway, this cold weather has caused a few problems with the tanks freezing over despite having balls floating in them. Jen is worried about the fish so she asked the farmer if she could bring them home for a 3 month holiday at our house. Now I was not overjoyed at this. I have got an old fish tank kept from when we had tropical fish a few years ago. So I got James to bring the tank and all its bits in from the garage for me. It was heavy but he managed to get it to the front door and I helped him in with it. We set it up on the sideboard on top of some foam sheeting. My lovely solid oak expensive, hand made to my specification, sideboard. No - don't worry nothing nasty has happened to it - yet! Anyway I put some water in and waited. No sign of leaks! Great! Onwards! I added some gravel to the bottom and a few buckets of water until it was about half full. I left it another half hour until just before taking Honey walkies and checked again. B**GER! A tiny leak was showing itself in one corner. *sob*
I put a towel there and made sure it was not on the wood surface. It was a tiny, very slow leak so I grabbed my coat and the dog and fled. I nipped round to the local Pet Superstore and said a prayer they did not close at 4. Finally a bit of luck! They close 4.30 on Sundays! Result! I've got myself a new tank *phew* I then walked Honey at Baiter before it got dark and she was a happy dog racing around at speed.
We came home and since I got in I have been ladling water out of the leaking tank, trying to get it dry enough to move it off the sideboard and get the new one in place. James is coming back soon to help me move it. Then I can set up the new tank with water etc. Jen is bringing some oxygenating weed with her so the tank should be ok for tonight until I can get the filter and air pump working. I just hope the fish survive the journey and over night in new surroundings. I am knackered! Back and forth with buckets of water, walking the dog, round the pet store, shopping. Who said Sunday was a day of rest? No after lunch snooze :-( No rest. Until now, when I've left the last bit of water syphoning out of the tank, while I sit down and moan to you LOL
Sympathy, chocolates, and Baileys to my home address, thank you. xx
I rounded up the assorted mugs and glasses from around the house to go in the dishwasher. It's amazing how far mugs can walk. Some even hide behind the curtains! With a fully loaded machine I put it on so all would be clean and dry in time for lunch. So far so good.
James was coming over for lunch so I nipped out to Tesco Express to get some potatoes and sausages. When I got in the car I remembered I was low on petrol. The warning light came on Thursday night but it gives me about 50 miles so I ignored it. Now the 'miles to go' was getting down to 25 (40 km actually) so I drove up to the big Tesco for their petrol. There were huge queues but for once I was lucky as two people finished and left as I pulled in and I drove straight in to a pump. I swiped my Tesco card fine, but it thought a long time about my credit card before spitting it back out with a 'Try another card' message :-( Oh b**ger! I used my debit card with no problem but I was worried my credit card had been stopped by the fraud people as had happened twice to me before in last 5 years. Anyway I filled up *wince* and decided it would be less hassle to get my few bits at the Express rather than Tesco Extra so off I drove. Knowing my luck, I suspected the little car park for the little shop would be full, but no! I parked easily and wandered around getting my potatoes, sausages, oh yes and washing up liquid cos I'd just finished the bottle, and some Lenor for Jen (she's allergic to Comfort :-/ ), oh and some Surf liquid, and then toilet rolls because we were running low and Andrex 4 pack was 25p cheaper than Tesco own! and... well you get the picture. I came out with a lot more than I went in intending to buy, but at least the machine there took my credit card with no trouble. I got it home and unpacked just as James walked in. I cooked lunch OK, I had fish with sugar snap peas, mushrooms, and mash, James had sausages and mash as usual.
Did I tell you about the goldfish? Well....at the farm where Jenny keeps her horse, there are loads of water troughs in the paddocks. To help keep these troughs free of insects and green slime, they keep a few goldfish in each tank. I think they are mixed golden orfe and basic goldfish but they do their job well. The horse don't drink them because they dive down when anything approaches the tank. Anyway, this cold weather has caused a few problems with the tanks freezing over despite having balls floating in them. Jen is worried about the fish so she asked the farmer if she could bring them home for a 3 month holiday at our house. Now I was not overjoyed at this. I have got an old fish tank kept from when we had tropical fish a few years ago. So I got James to bring the tank and all its bits in from the garage for me. It was heavy but he managed to get it to the front door and I helped him in with it. We set it up on the sideboard on top of some foam sheeting. My lovely solid oak expensive, hand made to my specification, sideboard. No - don't worry nothing nasty has happened to it - yet! Anyway I put some water in and waited. No sign of leaks! Great! Onwards! I added some gravel to the bottom and a few buckets of water until it was about half full. I left it another half hour until just before taking Honey walkies and checked again. B**GER! A tiny leak was showing itself in one corner. *sob*
I put a towel there and made sure it was not on the wood surface. It was a tiny, very slow leak so I grabbed my coat and the dog and fled. I nipped round to the local Pet Superstore and said a prayer they did not close at 4. Finally a bit of luck! They close 4.30 on Sundays! Result! I've got myself a new tank *phew* I then walked Honey at Baiter before it got dark and she was a happy dog racing around at speed.
We came home and since I got in I have been ladling water out of the leaking tank, trying to get it dry enough to move it off the sideboard and get the new one in place. James is coming back soon to help me move it. Then I can set up the new tank with water etc. Jen is bringing some oxygenating weed with her so the tank should be ok for tonight until I can get the filter and air pump working. I just hope the fish survive the journey and over night in new surroundings. I am knackered! Back and forth with buckets of water, walking the dog, round the pet store, shopping. Who said Sunday was a day of rest? No after lunch snooze :-( No rest. Until now, when I've left the last bit of water syphoning out of the tank, while I sit down and moan to you LOL
Sympathy, chocolates, and Baileys to my home address, thank you. xx
Saturday, 27 November 2010
I see snow
There be snow on the hills across the harbour. Purbeck looks pretty. Not a flake here, just freezing like everywhere else.
Jen's off horsing around for the weekend. I hope she's got her thermals! Layers is the trick!
I am layered up too. Cami, top, cardigan and trousers today - Jeans.
Brain not fully working yet - I need coffee!!
Be back later xx
Jen's off horsing around for the weekend. I hope she's got her thermals! Layers is the trick!
I am layered up too. Cami, top, cardigan and trousers today - Jeans.
Brain not fully working yet - I need coffee!!
Be back later xx
New PC - grand opening!
Well I did it! Plugged in the bits. Got the power supply in place. Flipped the switch, pressed the 'on' button and softly and almost silently the machine powered up. I went through the set up screens with no trouble. It's all working fine :) I connected to t'internet with no trouble and have got ICQ set up and working. I've been on FaceBook and that's all working fine. I now need to install Office on there and get my email working somehow. Tomorrow's tasks.
I have had a torrid time trying to separate out all the leads that connected a variety of peripherals to my old pc. Everything was crammed in a small space and difficult to reach under the small desk. I managed to get down there on the floor but it took a bit of working out how to get back up again :-?
Honey is not happy with the new arrangement as she can't see me from her rug in the lounge. I have put a duvet in the corner next to the new desk for her to lie on so she is next to me now and settled happily there. Spoilt? my dog? you bet. She's got me well trained to meet her needs.
She had a good run at Baiter this afternoon, getting lots of attention from other dog walkers and lots of petting. She loves the fuss.
I am sorry blogs will be a bit brief for a few days while I get all necessary functions working on the new PC.
Have a good weekend xx
I have had a torrid time trying to separate out all the leads that connected a variety of peripherals to my old pc. Everything was crammed in a small space and difficult to reach under the small desk. I managed to get down there on the floor but it took a bit of working out how to get back up again :-?
Honey is not happy with the new arrangement as she can't see me from her rug in the lounge. I have put a duvet in the corner next to the new desk for her to lie on so she is next to me now and settled happily there. Spoilt? my dog? you bet. She's got me well trained to meet her needs.
She had a good run at Baiter this afternoon, getting lots of attention from other dog walkers and lots of petting. She loves the fuss.
I am sorry blogs will be a bit brief for a few days while I get all necessary functions working on the new PC.
Have a good weekend xx
Thursday, 25 November 2010
a weird Thursday
It was the usual routine to start with. I woke up as Jen yelled 'Bye' as she went to work at 7.50 then I rolled over. Mistake! I woke up properly just gone 9 and panicked. Loo, shower, dressed and downstairs reaching for the coffee by 9.30. Persuaded Honey it wasn't really THAT cold out as I pushed her out of the door. Let her back in. Gulped down the coffee and out the front door by 9.45. I was going to surprise John by getting there for 10. I was giving him a lift to work as he was car less for the day. It took me nearly 10 mins to de-ice the thick frost off the car. The heated windscreen works well but I am always wary of using it on a frost laden window. So I cleared the ice and then warmed it up. So it was 10.10 by the time I got to John's. It was all quiet and no sign of life. 'Someone' was still asleep in his warm bed!! And he was the one pushing me to get there for 10 LOL While he got up I grabbed his pc :) (no that is not a euphemism for anything!)
John cooked a delicious lunch then I dropped him off at work and I headed home. I sat down to watch 'Dinner Date' and woke when it was all over - I think I remember him arriving at his first date but it faded after that :) was a lovely zizz.
It was almost time for walkies as the sun was dropping when the phone went. It was a friend in need, so I zoomed out with Honey and called in on my friend with the dog. Honey was very understanding and let herself be petted and stroked while we talked. I think it was good therapy and I left after an hour or so, with my friend feeling a little better, but I will check up on her tomorrow.
I am collecting John from work and taking him to Wimborne Folk Festival tonight. What was the last thing he said? "Can you make it a double cheeseburger with no pickle?" He had a big lunch but that was at 12 and 9pm is late enough to wait for a bite to eat so I'll collect one on the way. Thank goodness for McD's drive through!
I have started to unplug and extricate the bits from my old pc to attach to the new one but the under desk cable 'spaghetti' made it a bit of a task and not easy on my knees, so it's slow progress :(
Secret : I am an Emmerdale fan and enjoying the hour long episode tonight :)
Off out soon - have fun xx
John cooked a delicious lunch then I dropped him off at work and I headed home. I sat down to watch 'Dinner Date' and woke when it was all over - I think I remember him arriving at his first date but it faded after that :) was a lovely zizz.
It was almost time for walkies as the sun was dropping when the phone went. It was a friend in need, so I zoomed out with Honey and called in on my friend with the dog. Honey was very understanding and let herself be petted and stroked while we talked. I think it was good therapy and I left after an hour or so, with my friend feeling a little better, but I will check up on her tomorrow.
I am collecting John from work and taking him to Wimborne Folk Festival tonight. What was the last thing he said? "Can you make it a double cheeseburger with no pickle?" He had a big lunch but that was at 12 and 9pm is late enough to wait for a bite to eat so I'll collect one on the way. Thank goodness for McD's drive through!
I have started to unplug and extricate the bits from my old pc to attach to the new one but the under desk cable 'spaghetti' made it a bit of a task and not easy on my knees, so it's slow progress :(
Secret : I am an Emmerdale fan and enjoying the hour long episode tonight :)
Off out soon - have fun xx
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
a quickie
Got the desk moved. Got power. Not all connected yet tho. Should be working tomorrow.
I took 14 black sacks of rubbish to the tip today. They filled the car.
I spent the afternoon trying to help my partially sighted friend get her email working with her 'talking' software. It could not handle it :( but did get her access to her email so some progress.
I picked up 2 more rabbits from Eileen, taking them over to John's tomorrow for his freezer.
Cooked dinner for Jen and I for 8.30 tonight when she got in from work. Collapsed in front of TV at 9 LOL.
Now off to bed - night all!
I took 14 black sacks of rubbish to the tip today. They filled the car.
I spent the afternoon trying to help my partially sighted friend get her email working with her 'talking' software. It could not handle it :( but did get her access to her email so some progress.
I picked up 2 more rabbits from Eileen, taking them over to John's tomorrow for his freezer.
Cooked dinner for Jen and I for 8.30 tonight when she got in from work. Collapsed in front of TV at 9 LOL.
Now off to bed - night all!
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
A wiser woman
Well yesterday was a whole lot better than I thought it would be. The two guys running the 'Speed Awareness' course were great and extremely informative and helpful.
I got caught on a fixed camera in a classic situation. Entering a town/village, down hill, round bend - camera! I was stranger to the area and watching for road direction signs while trying to keep up a conversation with my American guest, just picked up from Bristol Airport. So demands on my concentration were high, and speed limit signs were lower down on the list. The double flash got my attention OK and I was there at 36pmh in a 30 zone :( Guilty!
Fortunately attending the course avoids getting the penalty points on my licence and the knock on effect of carrying them for 3 years, affecting insurance premiums. Attending this course is only an option on first offence on a clean licence, and will not be offered again for 3 years, so any more offences will incur the penalties.
It took me about 1 hr 35 mins going and 1 hr 45 mins coming home as I stuck religiously to the limits LOL I had to drive to Taunton for it as the courses are held in the area the offence occurs. Let that be a warning to all who travel around. Especially if you live in East Anglia and get caught on camera in Cornwall! Or live in Hampshire and get caught in Scotland! You may then choose to take the points as courses are not held at weekends and taking time off work, plus the travel could add up to an expensive day out.
I got home in plenty of time to get to the pub for the quiz. We ate dinner there first, then settled down for the quiz. Mike, who runs it, had changed the format and it threw many of us. We managed to pick our worst round for the joker so threw away 8 points as a result! It was not our night and we finished an ignominious 8th place. We really struggled with the picture round and did not bother submitting the music quiz sheet as it was so bad. So we slunk home with no money AND no chocolate *sob*. The pub was packed too. The final insult was a relatively new team won the 'Play Your Cards Right' type game. The Jackpot was up to £250 but thankfully they stopped before the final card and took £200 offered by Mike. At least it means the new jackpot starts at £50+ rather than £10.
I slept like a log last night. Had a busy day :)
Today is the delivery day for my new pc with a delivery slot time of 7am - 6pm :( I got Jen to wake me up early so I was awake at 7 and up and dressed by 10 past. *yawn* Not used to being up and about at this hour - well I am retired and don't often need to be up and around that early. I'd definitely find it tough to get back into 'work mode' if I had to work.
My dry mouth is reminding me I need a coffee. Not had one yet this morning :( I am nothing without a large coffee. I use a pint mug in the morning :) saves coming back for a second mugful until much later :)
Have a good day today whatever you have planned. xx
I got caught on a fixed camera in a classic situation. Entering a town/village, down hill, round bend - camera! I was stranger to the area and watching for road direction signs while trying to keep up a conversation with my American guest, just picked up from Bristol Airport. So demands on my concentration were high, and speed limit signs were lower down on the list. The double flash got my attention OK and I was there at 36pmh in a 30 zone :( Guilty!
Fortunately attending the course avoids getting the penalty points on my licence and the knock on effect of carrying them for 3 years, affecting insurance premiums. Attending this course is only an option on first offence on a clean licence, and will not be offered again for 3 years, so any more offences will incur the penalties.
It took me about 1 hr 35 mins going and 1 hr 45 mins coming home as I stuck religiously to the limits LOL I had to drive to Taunton for it as the courses are held in the area the offence occurs. Let that be a warning to all who travel around. Especially if you live in East Anglia and get caught on camera in Cornwall! Or live in Hampshire and get caught in Scotland! You may then choose to take the points as courses are not held at weekends and taking time off work, plus the travel could add up to an expensive day out.
I got home in plenty of time to get to the pub for the quiz. We ate dinner there first, then settled down for the quiz. Mike, who runs it, had changed the format and it threw many of us. We managed to pick our worst round for the joker so threw away 8 points as a result! It was not our night and we finished an ignominious 8th place. We really struggled with the picture round and did not bother submitting the music quiz sheet as it was so bad. So we slunk home with no money AND no chocolate *sob*. The pub was packed too. The final insult was a relatively new team won the 'Play Your Cards Right' type game. The Jackpot was up to £250 but thankfully they stopped before the final card and took £200 offered by Mike. At least it means the new jackpot starts at £50+ rather than £10.
I slept like a log last night. Had a busy day :)
Today is the delivery day for my new pc with a delivery slot time of 7am - 6pm :( I got Jen to wake me up early so I was awake at 7 and up and dressed by 10 past. *yawn* Not used to being up and about at this hour - well I am retired and don't often need to be up and around that early. I'd definitely find it tough to get back into 'work mode' if I had to work.
My dry mouth is reminding me I need a coffee. Not had one yet this morning :( I am nothing without a large coffee. I use a pint mug in the morning :) saves coming back for a second mugful until much later :)
Have a good day today whatever you have planned. xx
Monday, 22 November 2010
Soft rabbit
The rabbit stew was delicious. I got carried away watching X factor and wasn't watching the time so it had about an hour longer than I intended LOL but the meat just fell off the bones. It was scrummy! I have another 2 meals left in the pot :)
When you coming over Chris?
When you coming over Chris?
Sunday, 21 November 2010
I'm a bunny boiler!
It's on! The rabbit stew is smelling delicious. Onions, carrots, leeks, a whole rabbit (jointed) all simmering away in a big pot, flavoured with Knorr stock cubes and some herbs. Even the dog is sniffing the air and licking her lips, although none is destined for her dish. The rabbits are fresh caught on local farms, snared at the burrows. At least I don't have to worry about shot pellets :-)
I went shopping earlier to get new suet cake holders, and stock up on suet cakes. This time I am reinforcing the holders with wire to help stop the squirrels nicking it again. I will put the new one up in the morning as I need daylight to do it.
Tomorrow will be interesting. A little while ago I got caught on a speed camera near Bristol and I am attending a 'speed awareness' course in Taunton of all places tomorrow. This is instead of getting points on my licence and worth it to keep it clean. Only trouble is it's going to take me about 1.5-2 hours to get there. I'll be looking out for speed cameras on the way LOL I hope I'll be back in time for the pub quiz in the evening.
Shhh don't tell anyone but I am enjoying the X Factor. I love Matt, Mary and Rebecca although I expect Mary to finish 4th or 5th. I think Matt will win, with One Dimension second and Rebecca third, but we'll see how it all pans out nearer Christmas. I just pray Wagner does not win.
On the other hand I cannot stand 'I'm a celebrity' - it is 'reality tv' at its very worst as far as I'm concerned. I think I'd prefer unknowns to do it, Big brother style, or not at all!
I was surprised and delighted about a week ago to see two pipistrelle bats swooping around my house and my neighbour's at dusk. I have no idea where they are roosting, could even be in my attic as one of the small fillets in my fascias has come loose. I hope so! I love bats! I will leave them well alone.
Almost time for Strictly Come Dancing - don't care who wins, I just love the costumes.
I hope you have a good week ahead. xx
Jeanette... was that chorizo in the hole? or English sausages? You are in Spain - it should be paella! ;-)
I went shopping earlier to get new suet cake holders, and stock up on suet cakes. This time I am reinforcing the holders with wire to help stop the squirrels nicking it again. I will put the new one up in the morning as I need daylight to do it.
Tomorrow will be interesting. A little while ago I got caught on a speed camera near Bristol and I am attending a 'speed awareness' course in Taunton of all places tomorrow. This is instead of getting points on my licence and worth it to keep it clean. Only trouble is it's going to take me about 1.5-2 hours to get there. I'll be looking out for speed cameras on the way LOL I hope I'll be back in time for the pub quiz in the evening.
Shhh don't tell anyone but I am enjoying the X Factor. I love Matt, Mary and Rebecca although I expect Mary to finish 4th or 5th. I think Matt will win, with One Dimension second and Rebecca third, but we'll see how it all pans out nearer Christmas. I just pray Wagner does not win.
On the other hand I cannot stand 'I'm a celebrity' - it is 'reality tv' at its very worst as far as I'm concerned. I think I'd prefer unknowns to do it, Big brother style, or not at all!
I was surprised and delighted about a week ago to see two pipistrelle bats swooping around my house and my neighbour's at dusk. I have no idea where they are roosting, could even be in my attic as one of the small fillets in my fascias has come loose. I hope so! I love bats! I will leave them well alone.
Almost time for Strictly Come Dancing - don't care who wins, I just love the costumes.
I hope you have a good week ahead. xx
Jeanette... was that chorizo in the hole? or English sausages? You are in Spain - it should be paella! ;-)
I was robbed!
It was there when I went out. Came home and it was gone. Stolen. I checked all round the garden in case the thief had dropped it but not a sign. It could have been two of them! I've seen them lurking around, checking out the safe times to attempt the theft. Now I'll have to go buy a new one :( I know the thieves - both of them, bright eyes, bushy tails, and smart grey fur! Squirrels have nicked my suet cake holder, along with the nearly new suet cake in it! The tits will be hungry. I'll have to go get a new one tomorrow before they stop calling.
I have a lonely sunday ahead of me - no James coming to lunch. He's off to London for the day!
At least I won't have to cook sausages and mash! I might 'treat' myself to a frozen roast chicken dinner for one! really push the boat out! LOL
Or maybe have my rabbit with loads of veggies, onions, leeks, carrots, swede. Let it stew for a few hours until tasty and tender.
I hope you enjoy your sunday. If you spend it with friends or family, enjoy their company and give them a hug before you part. xx
I have a lonely sunday ahead of me - no James coming to lunch. He's off to London for the day!
At least I won't have to cook sausages and mash! I might 'treat' myself to a frozen roast chicken dinner for one! really push the boat out! LOL
Or maybe have my rabbit with loads of veggies, onions, leeks, carrots, swede. Let it stew for a few hours until tasty and tender.
I hope you enjoy your sunday. If you spend it with friends or family, enjoy their company and give them a hug before you part. xx
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Oh my aching legs
Last night was just brilliant. We had a full house, even had to bring in extra chairs. Vin Garbutt was the star, a unique performer, not the best voice in the world, but what a presence and personality, and such a genious song writer. His stories had us in fits of laughter. Supporting him was Nigel Waite, a local singer-songwriter who writes from his heart and beautifully. The phone has not stopped ringing all week with people desperate to get tickets at the last minute and one or two getting cross when told we were sold out. If you are that desperate to see someone then book early! We only have a small venue, and even great big theatres and concert halls have a limit as to how many seats they have. When they are sold they are sold.
I am only just getting moving and feel a bit stiff and achey today. I have a car full of sound gear to deliver back to John's soon. Just need one more coffee! The dog was very good and managed to hold on from 6pm until I got home 12.15 am. I think she was a bit fed up with being left alone so long and I had to spend 15 minutes making a fuss of her and playing with her before we headed to bed. We both slept well.
Have a good weekend whatever you're up to xx
I am only just getting moving and feel a bit stiff and achey today. I have a car full of sound gear to deliver back to John's soon. Just need one more coffee! The dog was very good and managed to hold on from 6pm until I got home 12.15 am. I think she was a bit fed up with being left alone so long and I had to spend 15 minutes making a fuss of her and playing with her before we headed to bed. We both slept well.
Have a good weekend whatever you're up to xx
Friday, 19 November 2010
that's MADAM Chairman to you!
Today was weird and vanished in a puff of wind (knew I should not have had baked beans again!) Did some emptying out and clearing out, making space to get desk out of Jen's room and make space for it in the lounge. I then thought of popping over to John's to use his PC while he slept (night shift this week) That did not go too well, struggled to get flyer updated and did not get round to printing tickets :-(
Came home and took Honey walkies. Wet with big puddles everywhere but managed to arrive just after a heavy shower and got back to the car just as first spots of next one arrived. It was very wet underfoot.
I did a quick shop at Tesco Express on way home so there was something in the fridge for Jen to cook/heat up for herself when she got home. She was coming home after I'd gone out. Passing ships syndrome! She'll probably be off to work before I surface in the morning and she's off to Salisbury straight from work so I won't see her again until Sunday night.
Tonight I was in the chair for Wimborne Folk Club. It's a singaround/anything goes night. Everyone is welcome, to listen, sing, play an instrument, read a poem or tell a joke. I forgot my bag with my poems in, so I told a few bad jokes instead. We had a nice mix of performers and had a great evening.
Probably won't have time to blog Friday so see you Saturday xx
Came home and took Honey walkies. Wet with big puddles everywhere but managed to arrive just after a heavy shower and got back to the car just as first spots of next one arrived. It was very wet underfoot.
I did a quick shop at Tesco Express on way home so there was something in the fridge for Jen to cook/heat up for herself when she got home. She was coming home after I'd gone out. Passing ships syndrome! She'll probably be off to work before I surface in the morning and she's off to Salisbury straight from work so I won't see her again until Sunday night.
Tonight I was in the chair for Wimborne Folk Club. It's a singaround/anything goes night. Everyone is welcome, to listen, sing, play an instrument, read a poem or tell a joke. I forgot my bag with my poems in, so I told a few bad jokes instead. We had a nice mix of performers and had a great evening.
Probably won't have time to blog Friday so see you Saturday xx
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Late Wednesday and struggling
We went out Monday night and I forgot to turn off the pc before I went. Oh BTW we came third in the pub quiz, just short of the prize money. However we did win 2 lots of chocolate.
When we got back, Jen went to plug in her iPod to recharge it and found the pc with the black start up screen showing devices - the one you get before windows starts up. I switched off and back on and it did the same thing - it could not see the hard drive :( I have taken it to a very nice man who said he will do what he can to retrieve the hard disk data but it might be the drive that's gone kaput *sob* All my folk club stuff is on there - mailing list, web site pages, posters, tickets etc. Plus all the fok festival stuff for the programme, website and flyer. If I've lost all that I am in deep doo-doo. Hours of work. Not to mention thousands of photos. Didn't I take a back up? well funnily enough last week I bought a 500 gig plug in drive for that exact purpose. But it's still in it's box *more sobbing*
The good news is that Christmas has come early (YAYYY) and next Tuesday sees the arrival of my new PC. It's an all singing all dancing hi spec gaming machine. 1 Tb hard drive 4 meg Ram, dual core processor, Nvidia graphics. It's Win 7 so will take some getting used to. My old pc's are Win Xp . I've skipped Vista LOL.
However there is the thorny problem of siting the new PC. I had planned and reserved a corner of the lounge for the desk, currently taking up too much space in Jen's tiny bedroom, destined to be the home of the PC I was going to buy for Christmas. However there are 2 things standing in the way of that arrangement. 1 we can't get the desk out of Jen's room - too much stuff on it and around it right now - so major clear out needed there. 2 I have stacked boxes of sorted out stuff into the empty corner of the lounge so that will have to be shifted to make room for the desk LOL so the next few days will be busy. It's a bit like those sliding squares puzzles, you need an empty space before you can start shuffling the bits around. So first step is to create a space! Easier said than done in my house - our new by-word is DE-CLUTTER! But we're not very good at it :( How am I writing this blog? I'm using the crap old slow PC I had virtually abandoned in my bedroom. I've managed to get it connected to the internet and it's working, but a little temperamental.
I love this blog site because it auto saves every 2 minutes so if this pc decides to do one of it's random auto restarts I won't have lost anything!
Today was a sh.t day weatherwise with rain in varying intensities all day, and gusting winds. It wasn't too cold but very depressing. A good duvet day - except my dog beat me too it! She spent most of the day on MY bed curled up in a nest made from MY duvet - spoilt dog? oh yes :) but she is a greyhound and feels the cold and hates getting wet (apart from racing through puddles!)
Now it's Thursday and I need my bed. Someone is warming it up for me :-D
no - not some hunky man (shame!) - just Honey hoping I'm not coming to bed at all tonight!
Night night all xx
PS thanks for comment on last blog Jeanette - I've replied
When we got back, Jen went to plug in her iPod to recharge it and found the pc with the black start up screen showing devices - the one you get before windows starts up. I switched off and back on and it did the same thing - it could not see the hard drive :( I have taken it to a very nice man who said he will do what he can to retrieve the hard disk data but it might be the drive that's gone kaput *sob* All my folk club stuff is on there - mailing list, web site pages, posters, tickets etc. Plus all the fok festival stuff for the programme, website and flyer. If I've lost all that I am in deep doo-doo. Hours of work. Not to mention thousands of photos. Didn't I take a back up? well funnily enough last week I bought a 500 gig plug in drive for that exact purpose. But it's still in it's box *more sobbing*
The good news is that Christmas has come early (YAYYY) and next Tuesday sees the arrival of my new PC. It's an all singing all dancing hi spec gaming machine. 1 Tb hard drive 4 meg Ram, dual core processor, Nvidia graphics. It's Win 7 so will take some getting used to. My old pc's are Win Xp . I've skipped Vista LOL.
However there is the thorny problem of siting the new PC. I had planned and reserved a corner of the lounge for the desk, currently taking up too much space in Jen's tiny bedroom, destined to be the home of the PC I was going to buy for Christmas. However there are 2 things standing in the way of that arrangement. 1 we can't get the desk out of Jen's room - too much stuff on it and around it right now - so major clear out needed there. 2 I have stacked boxes of sorted out stuff into the empty corner of the lounge so that will have to be shifted to make room for the desk LOL so the next few days will be busy. It's a bit like those sliding squares puzzles, you need an empty space before you can start shuffling the bits around. So first step is to create a space! Easier said than done in my house - our new by-word is DE-CLUTTER! But we're not very good at it :( How am I writing this blog? I'm using the crap old slow PC I had virtually abandoned in my bedroom. I've managed to get it connected to the internet and it's working, but a little temperamental.
I love this blog site because it auto saves every 2 minutes so if this pc decides to do one of it's random auto restarts I won't have lost anything!
Today was a sh.t day weatherwise with rain in varying intensities all day, and gusting winds. It wasn't too cold but very depressing. A good duvet day - except my dog beat me too it! She spent most of the day on MY bed curled up in a nest made from MY duvet - spoilt dog? oh yes :) but she is a greyhound and feels the cold and hates getting wet (apart from racing through puddles!)
Now it's Thursday and I need my bed. Someone is warming it up for me :-D
no - not some hunky man (shame!) - just Honey hoping I'm not coming to bed at all tonight!
Night night all xx
PS thanks for comment on last blog Jeanette - I've replied
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