I have all these wonderful ideas, and loads of good intentions about carrying them out, but somehow when it comes to actually doing the deed I seem to run out of steam.
In my minds eye I have rearranged my lounge, completely refurbished and reorganised my dining room, turned my tired old fashioned bedroom into a stylish boudoir (including getting ALL my clothes hung up in mirror sliding door wall to wall wardrobes) but somehow I still stay the same. Piles of stuff everywhere! Old furniture, old clothes etc etc. My house is rather like one of those sliding square puzzles, but to be able to move things around I need that space to move things into. That's my big problem. No spare space. Just cupboards, shelves and wardrobes FULL of stuff! The overflow sometimes makes it to a black bin bag and the wheelie bin, or even a trip to the tip - sorry! Civic Recycling Amenity *cough*. Sounds posher I suppose but it's still a tip, a well organised tip though. You also need a passport to get in there, a recent bill, or some proof of local residence because we don't want Bournemouth's rubbish, or Purbeck's, or Wimborne's. When they are supposed to make money from re-cycling you'd think they'd let anyone in! Wimborne do! We are also automatically scanned for car reg. and logged, and only allowed a limited number of visits per month. So woe betide anyone doing a major clear out and trying to make 5 trips in 2 days! You'll be stopped and interrogated!
My 'garden' is also a source of worry. I can just about manage to cut the grass once in a while and clean up after Honey but I have a beautifully wild nature reserve :-) I have birds and butterflies galore, squirrels, and foxes too. It helps living next door to woodlands and a playing field. I get many countryside visitors you would not expect in a town, yet I am only a mile up the hill from all the shops in the town centre. I look after the front garden ok with the occasional helping hand from my son, my sister when she comes to visit, and my next door neighbour who loves to potter in the garden. He has donated a few plants from cuttings from his garden and it looks lovely now.
I am getting hungry and I've just had a look in my fridge. It's looking a bit bare. There's the remains of an iceberg lettuce, some cheese, eggs, bacon and a bag of potatoes. Looks like it could be a store cupboard lunch. Tuna pasta bake anyone?
Or maybe beans on toast with melted grated cheese :-) There's always something I can rustle up without having to shop. Uh-oh! Now I feel really hungry. The beans are sounding good. I am down to the last tin of the dozen I bought months ago when they were on BOGTF. Lovely tasty Branston beans - bought one pack of four and got two free! I'll have to stock up again! I am also down to my last tin of tuna. The pasta bin is looking low. Hmm bad planning to run low on larder basics all at the same time.
However it avoids too many trips to the shops and reduces the temptations of buying cakes and chocolate. Mmmmm C H O C O L A T E!!! Chocolate cake heaven!
Honey is still hobbling around, sometimes walking pretty well then carrying her bad leg for a bit. She is still managing to get up and down stairs even though it looks like it hurts her to do so. I keep checking her leg and there is no sign of swelling or infection. The pin holes have healed over almost completely now and are barely visible. We have survived 2 weeks of no walkies and she asks every day at the usual time if we can go. She understands 'no' and then changes it to asking for her dinner LOL. No mistaking the rattle of her dish!
We had a mini thunderstorm last night. One flash from Bournemouth way and a fairly quick rumble after it but that was all we got, with a brief splatter of heavy rain drops. Obviously Bournemouth got the full whack because Jenny came in shortly after and said the Frizzells roundabout was flooded right across the road!
I hope you have a good weekend and get some sunshine. For those of you planning a barbecue - good luck at dodging the showers and storms :-)