I am fuming. Since having her latest op on her leg Honey has been seeing my own vet weekly to have her leg checked and dressed. A badly padded splint gave Honey sores, a bit like bed sores during the 2nd week. The vet said the skin was 'bit red', but the vetinerary nurse assured me they'd added extra padding underneatn the splint and she'd be fine. It was a bit better but Honey wasn't happy. They redressed it again the following week and said she was doing well. Honey did not seem to be making much progress with using the leg to walk on, but I put that down to the size of dressing and amount of wadding they had used and the fact she was walking on tip-toe. Yesterday I went back to the VERY expensive orthopaedic vets who x-rayed her leg. They showed me the x-rays and it all looks good. She has a state of the art, thin, lightweight metal plate and 8 pins holding her wrist in place. The bones are well fused now and the op wound site is all clean and healing well. However.... he was very concerned about the scabby crusty sores! There is a high risk of infection in early weeks and having open sores is not good! They gave her 3 injections of various anti-biotics and anti inflammatories and have redressed the leg without the splint.
This dressing has to be checked and changed twice a week at my own vets. As I am away from Thurs to next Tuesday, I have had to ask Jenny to take her Friday and make an appointment for me for late Tuesday. These injections were only necessary because they failed to notice the sores early enough or treat them properly. Otherwise Honey would be bare legged by now and making progress. I am very upset she has been in pain and discomfort at times for weeks. I expected some reaction to the operation and could not tell the source of her discomfort. Now it will be a couple more weeks of treatment before she can get rid of the dressings.
I am so sorry she has had to go through all this. I feel guilty for not making more of a fuss between visits but I had no idea how bad the sores were. Honey did not get the level of care and treatment she needed. I hope this is rectified now.
ok steam let off now... I am calming down.
I am having a clean around day today clearing the decks before I go away for a few days, off to the wilds of Shropshire and Shrewsbury Folk Festival. The kids are doing a rota over the weekend of houseminding and dog sitting. I hope Honey will be ok.
The kids can fend for themselves LOL.
The healthy eating is going well and I have lost 9 pounds in about 6 weeks. I hope I can get through this weekend with minimal impact on my weight. I know I won't lose any but I hope I don't put any back on. I am taking fruit with me for breakfasts and snacks.
My tent is already enroute to Shrewsbury and will be all erected by the time I get there so I can move straight in. It is camping but in relative comfort. I have a 4 man tunnel tent to myself. Plenty of headroom to stand up in all parts of the tent. A large bedroom for my super sized double thickness single air bed and a chair. I need something solid to sit on or hold on to getting my knickers on and off LOL I have packed a second quilt, winter thickness just in case it turns cold at night. Past years have had a nip in the air, even a touch of frost by morning! Nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night with cold feet!
Last year all the local supermarkets sold out of duvets as the cold nights caught out a lot of people.
I just hope it stays dry as much as possible. The forecast is not good but could be worse! Showers do not happen everywhere!
Whatever your plans are for the weekend I hope you have a good one. xx