2011 started with my beloved Honey hopping around with her right front leg in a huge metal frame with the leg all pinned together. She made good steady progress as the year wore on and had the frame removed when the surgeons were happy it was healing well and the bones had fused.

My health has been on a bit of a roller coaster too. My knees both have osteo arthritis but the right one is the most painful. I had a steroid injection in it in the summer which did not last long, and a final injection in the autumn, which seems to have worked well. It is wearing off now but slowly so I am still getting some relief. I have tried to not use my walking stick and it has helped strengthen my core muscles and balance is better. The big shock of the year was being diagnosed as type 2 diabetic. I knew I was at risk of it as I have been obese for many years. The initial education given to us at the diabetic unit at the hospital was superb. We had very enlightening sessions with a brilliant dietician and her advice and guidance notes given us has enabled me to lose over a stone in weight.

Folk wise the club has had a modest year, the big highlight being hosts to fairport Convention in May. What an amazing night that was. We have booked them again in 2012 - with fingers crossed for ticket sales.
I had some time away at festivals, with Fairport's Cropredy Convention in mid-August, and Shrewsbury Festival over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Both festivals were brilliant and thoroughly enjoyable.
I made good use of my new tent, really a 4 man tent but very spacious for one! I lurve my double thickness, extra wide single air bed. It is very comfortable to sleep on and raised up high enough to make it easier to get in and out of. Shrewsbury was cold at night as usual. But not as bad as the year before.
We also managed a day away in Suffolk for the Bounty Hounds' OXJAM day festival. It was a superb day out and were very comfortable staying the night with our good friends the Bosleys. I left Honey at home, being cared for by my offspring while I was away.Christmas 2011 was a quiet one as usual. We altered our 'normal' routine and moved the main meal to evening dinner so Jenny could spend Christmas morning with Helen and the horses, then come home for dinner with me and James, and stayed home to spend Boxing day with Craig and his family. Things have been very strained between Craig and James since August and James did not come over on Boxing day. My grandsons were on top form and we had some fun playing games after a scrumptious turkey dinner.
Tonight looks like being a quiet one on my own. However you see the new year in, may it be peaceful and happy. Drink a toast to loved ones no longer with us, and friends and family who mean so much to us.
May you all have a wonderful 2012. HAPPY NEW YEAR!