I had a lovely day yesterday. It was sunny and bright although not exactly warm. Linda and I went out for lunch at a local eatery and had a lovely meal. I had my favourite duck, with red cabbage and potatoes Dauphinoise with a cider and apple sauce. It was delicious!
I do feel guilty enjoying myself when I know someone close is not.
This last month has seen some happier times. It was my grandsons' birthdays within a few days of each other - an expensive time of year! :( Alex is now 7 and growing up so fast. Jack is now 11 and showing signs of the dreaded puberty! He seems to have settled down at school again proudly showing off his end of term report with loads of merits and awards! It might not be 'cool' to celebrate progress and awards with your mates, but Jack was obviously proud of his achievements and glowed with pride at our reactions.
I have been to two wonderful concerts in the last month. We saw Mike Harding at the Tivoli in Wimborne - simply brilliant! He has lost none of his wicked sense of humour and told many great jokes and funny stories. All this was interspaced with songs of humour and pathos. He can still perform and entertain the masses. He missed out on his usual post concert curry as someone had kindly brought in some Sweeney Todd pies for him.

I am trying to be very good and sticking to the fruit and veg mostly this weekend. My weightloss programme has had a bit of a wobble but I am now back on track (I hope)
I have still not quite made that first stone off and it's annoying me. I keep getting within a lb or half lb and then putting a lb back on grrrr!
I WILL do it this week!
Have a great Easter weekend with friends and family.