Oh how the weeks rush past. It's Monday AGAIN! and July is almost over. The last 2 months have been damp and dreek (grey, cold & wet) but right now the sun is here and it's warm like it should be! Forecast for Wednesday is talking 28
°F for middle England which means a few degrees cooler here by the sea and lovely! My ideal temp span is 21-25
°C. I had to dust off my reflective car sun shield today to help stop the car reaching roasting point.
What's been happening here I hear you ask? You didn't? oh well you're going to get it anyway!
I live life pretty much day to day and very quietly. The passing week is punctuated by regular events, pub quiz, bin day, Slimming World, Wimborne Singaround, folk club, then it's the weekend again.
Honey has been very good and got a gold star from the vet at her annual health check and booster shots. She still limps occasionally on her bad leg when she's been running too much but it doesn't seem to stop her doing her daily laps! He checked out all her joints and no sign of stiffness or arthritis!
Just recently my blind friend has been poorly and had 10 days in hospital, so while she was in I had her guide dog to stay! Honey and Yarna got on very well while on holiday together in May but that was on neutral territory. Having Yarna to stay in our home was a different matter and Honey's nose was definitely out of joint at having to share HER home. At least Yarna was happy to sleep downstairs at night while Honey slept next to my bed as usual. Meal times I separated them so Honey could eat in peace and not be pushed around by the always hungry Yarna. We had one or two toilet issues and I had a few wet patches on the carpet :( but we resolved these and mostly all was fine.
Yarna (top) and Honey well at home |
It was really funny when I washed out Honey's main 'day-bed' - it's a Value Single Duvet from Tesco with a cheap cover on it. It puffed up nicely being washed and being a full sized duvet I assumed they dogs would share it. Wrong! Honey decided it was hers and spent ages humphing it about and scraping it around to make a Honey-sized puffy lump then lay down on it (see pic). Yarna was most peeved at being relegated to an older less puffy duvet as a bed. As soon as Honey moved off it for any reason Yarna dived on to it LOL. Just like a couple of kids :-)
Linda could not wait to get home once her problems had cleared up and took Yarna back after a couple of days getting sorted out at home. Honey and I both sat down with a big sigh of relief at peace at home again.
I found the time with Yarna exhausting. She was used to getting up by 8 at the latest and needed to go out to wee and poo as soon as she got moving. As she would not go outside alone, I had to take her outside on a lead every time, sometimes in my nightie!
As I could not trust Yarna not to run away when on a walk, I had to use the extending lead and walk much further than usual to give her any kind of exercise every day. Every afternoon I was trekking to the hospital to visit Linda, whose ward was a long way from the car park! Evening visiting was used by other friends and her sons so she had plenty of visitors during her stay. The longer walks and hospital visits were on top of my usual routine and I still had chores and shopping etc to fit in too. No wonder I slept well at night!
I am doing slow and steady at Slimming World, averaging 1lb a week. Some weeks I don't lose anything, other weeks I lose 2 or 3 lbs. I am having to get new bras now, I have gone down a cup size, and now down a chest size! Whereas I used to overfill my bras I am now finding I lack of support as my boobs don't fill them any more :(
I wore one of those pre-formed bras the other day and there was daylight between me and the moulded cups that I used to fill LOL I was so thrilled to get that bra in my size at the time I got it, because they don't normally come in 42G!
Last week at Slimming World I won my 1.5stone off award (21lbs) and only 2lbs to go to my Club 10 target! Should get that this week! Just another 70 lbs or so to go :( but I don't want to lose that much, nor think I can!
I have come down 2 whole dress sizes and am now starting to fit in the next size down from that! My latest slim fitting jeans are already feeling loose! So nice to be able to shop in 'normal' shops again instead of always heading for the outsize shops/departments. I have had to have a clear out of some of my favourite tops as they are too big and loose fitting now and not suitable for taking in. I have put darts into many of my skirts so I can still wear them while shrinking! It stops them slipping down! A bit of tighter elastic in the waist also helps.
I have had lots of comments from people I only see occasionally as they really notice the difference in my appearance.
It's not long now until my favourite folk festivals - Cropredy, Shrewsbury, and Swanage! Must dust off the tent and camping gear - get new batteries for the camping lamps etc. I hope my double layer air bed is ok. It's very comfortable!
No that's not me! But you get the idea of how big and comfortable it is!
Time to head out for the pub quiz tonight.
Hope you have a good time too!