I cannot believe how the weeks have flown by - Halloween has been and gone - thankfully without incident! I turned off the outside lights and inner hall lights and I was not troubled by callers, apart from my son who popped over and struggled a bit arriving in darkness LOL He was taking his lovely family away for the weekend to see the sights of London and I had a small furry visitor for a few days. Muffin the hamster was a lovely guest - a delight to hold and cuddle, and amusing to watch her chasing Honey! Yes, Muffin was safely installed in her plastic exercise ball (with air holes) and having a free run around much to Honey's puzzlement at this ball following her around. I also popped over to Craig's house to see to the cats. I got the feeling they were not too happy at being left as they did not exactly welcome me. Neither of them wanted a cuddle. They did eat their food, but one had poo'd in the hall near the front door and I narrowly avoided stepping in it when I arrived. I cleaned it all up and cleaned out the litter trays too. I went to wash my hands at the sink with Molly sitting on the window sill behind the taps. I reached out to turn on the taps and got a swipe with claws out for my sins! OUCH! Just a small scratch I thought as the blood slowly welled up and started to drip :( The scab has healed and faded now.
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Vin Garbutt at Wessex Acoustic 19/10/12 |
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Lucy Ward at Wessex Acoustic 9/11/12 |
Lucy Ward gave us an amazing night in November - lots of new people came to the club to see her on the strength of her performance at Swanage Folk Festival in September. Her lovely dad, Tony, celebrated his birthday that day by driving her down from Derby and back again the same night despite the offer of beds for the night. Lucy is one of folk's rising stars and making a huge impact wherever she goes.
The bookings are coming in steadily for our next club night too. I do hope the trend continues.
On a personal front I had my annual eye check up as a diabetic and all looks fine. I have some new reading specs a bit stronger than my old ones, but distance is fine and my retina is in good condition. I then had blood tests and my 6 monthly diabetic check up. I saw the nurse first to be weighed and measured and a general chat. I had lost 1.5 stone since the last one and all the blood tests results were good. My blood sugar the day of the test was 5.1, and the long term level was 48 on the new scale (should be 42-52 and was 54 last time) so nurse was happy and when I saw the doc he was delighted. Sugar levels show dietry control is working and losing weight has helped a lot. He has referred me to the orthopaedic surgeons now to get my knees sorted out. I have an appointment just before Christmas so things are in motion. I cannot get a new knee quickly enough now. My right knee has given way on me a few times with shooting pains and wakes me up at night with pain :( so roll on surgery!
I took the decision a few months ago to stop dying my hair and let it go naturally grey.
I am looking forward to a day out next weekend celebrating my sister and brother-in-law's 70th birthdays. They are treating a select bunch of family and friends to lunch out on a steam train! It sounds like a lovely day out and I hope it stays dry for the event.
My son Craig has been busy cleaning out my kitchen cupboards for me. I can't bend down or kneel to get in the bottom cupboards nor stand on ladders for long to reach the top ones, so Craig has 'decluttered' me, filling many sacks with rubbish, a big box to go to the charity shop of good quality usable things that I just don't need any more, and a pile of stuff in the recycle bin. He then cleaned the cupboards inside and out! I actually have space in my cupboards now!! and the tops are clear of assorted 'stuff'. A marathon job and one I really appreciate being done, as it takes me 5 times longer to do the work myself. What a lovely son I have to give up his time with his own family to help me out. Just have the rest of the house to declutter now! Jen - when's your next days off? ;) xxx