Welcome to my Blog. Another exciting glimpse into my world of routine, boredom, and just living.
I have had a riveting time recently with the six monthly diabetic check up and annual diabetic eye test. The six month check up was fine, all body parts functioning as they should, HbA1c in the lower end of the normal range so all's looking good. As usual my BP was up a bit so got referred to my GP. He arranged a 24 hour monitor for me for about the 6th time. This pumps up automatically during the day and roughly every 1-2 hours during the night. I saw him for the results and all is fine. The average day time pressure was top end of permitted range, and the night time average was bang on what it should be. He compared the results to my last 2 tests and said they were better than previously so losing weight and being more active has helped. The decision was no meds at the moment but maybe necessary at some time in the future. A fact of getting old.
My annual eye test was fine. No change to either prescription, so no new specs needed, however my old every day distance specs were getting very worn and a bit bent, thanks to falling on my face back in August and having to bend them back into shape *cough*. I now have pretty new specs (see photo above) in a lilac-pink shade, with added diamante/crystals at the hinges. Move over Dame Edna Everage!
As part of my getting myself sorted out, I finally went to the dentist. I admit it has been around 15 years since I last went. I had to see the hygienist first and had a good old scrape and polish. I was expecting a long list of jobs to be done but just 2 teeth needed attention. One had lost a chunk off it and the filling fell out as a result. As it gave me no trouble I left it and gradually a few more bits broke off. The tooth was too far gone to save so the dentist removed what was left of it. That was all fine. The other tooth had an ageing filling that he decided could be refilled. After the visit to the hygienist I was cleaning my teeth with extra attention and flossing more according to instructions. I was in a hurry one day and flossed a bit to quickly, snagging the floss on the ageing filling and yanking it out! As I already had an appointment to see the dentist about 10 days later I did nothing. However 2 days on I started getting pain in the gum above the tooth. Oh yes - an abscess! So off to see the dentist I went. He bunged in a temporary filling and prescribed anti-biotics. I came back a week later and had the other tooth removed just fine, and the temp filling was holding. However, that weekend the abscess returned :( my whole cheek swelled up and my lip went numb. So back for more ABs - a double lot this time, two different ABs. I came back 3 days later to have the tooth filled properly, with a root canal filling! Took him quite a time drilling it all out and packing it, then final finishing filling. He's done a good job and it all seems fine now. I have just taken my last dose of ABs and I am not convinced the abscess is all gone. Will see if it flares up again - I hope not.
A little while ago Honey also had dental work done with some extractions and cleaning up. She lost some weight during the time prior to the treatment and after when her gums were tender, but she has got her appetite back now and her weight is now where I am happy about it, just over 27 kg. She is getting old, and, like a lot of old dogs, she feels and looks a bit bony, but her ribs are well covered and not sticking out so she is fine, even if her spine is a bit prominent. She is full of beans at the moment and enjoying her walks, having a good run around most days, although it's fleece coat time now! I am using her lovely blue Equafleece coat as a pattern to make her some house coats to keep her warm during cold nights. I bought a huge cherry red fleece throw from ASDA for the princely sum of £3 and it should be big enough to make 2 or maybe 3 coats for her.
It's a thin light weight fleece - ideal for indoors. She hates being covered over with a blanket or duvet, so a coat on her body with her legs free and unfettered should keep her comfy and yet warmer.She certainly needs her Equafleece now with air temperatures in single figures. It's stretchy yet light and keeps her really warm. Most other sight hounds I know love to snuggle under duvets and throws, but Honey doesn't.
I am trying desperately to get myself into a Christmassy mood but failing. Got a few good concerts coming up before the day so that might help. Also got some things to look forward to in the New Year. As a combined Christmas and birthday treat, Jenny has booked tickets to see 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' stage show at the Pavilion. I am really looking forward to it. It's been one of my lifetime favourite musicals. Love the movie of it, complete with painted mountain back drops and wobbly sets! No outside locations or CGI used in that production! The days when women had tiny waists and men were MEN.
My friends are away for the whole Christmas week and were worried about their dog. She is fox coloured and fox size, and as quick and slippery as a fox. Leave a door open a crack and she is off and away and won't come back when called until she's had a good scamper round the neighbours' gardens.
They are spending the week in a huge house on Dartmoor with all their children and grandchildren, along with 3 other dogs. John is so worried Polly will escape and vanish on the moor he has asked me to have her for the week. I will not let her off the lead when outside for fear of her running off. She will get walked with Honey and be fed and spoiled rotten, so maybe it's not so bad for her. It means John and Roz can relax and not worry about the grandchildren leaving a door open long enough for her to escape.
As you can see Honey and Polly are the best of friends LOL Honey tends to turn her back on visiting dogs and pretend they are not there. She tolerates having her home invaded, and is so happy when the visitor departs :)
Financially it's been a disastrous month, a load of big bills all arriving in the same month. Honey's dental work, my car having an emergency trip to garage, Jen's car needing a service , new tyres, and new brake pads, my new specs, my dentistry, and the need to get some new speakers for the folk club *sigh* My Barlcaycard will not be cleared this month as it usually is. The balance due this month is more than my pension coming in. However, with careful spending for Christmas I should be able to clear it next month, or certainly January. It's going to be a lean Christmas!
The only good thing this month is that I managed to switch my utility bills and fix them until April 2015 at the old rate, before the price hikes. I wish I could 'fix' my credit card too LOL.
I do hope you manage to enjoy the festive season in your own way, with those you love and who love you.
Warm thoughts and hugs to all my friends. Be as merry as you can, and thank heavens it's only once a year!