Friday was rather hectic from the time I woke up.
John had an important appointment 9 am in Bournemouth. They sent him an itinerary with a list of buses and trains to catch which would mean him leaving home soon after 6 to get a once an hour local bus for start of trip. :( so I picked him up at 8 and we were there 10 to 9. Rush hour traffic would have delayed buses and he'd have missed connections so would probably not have made it on time. Anyway, we made it and back at a reasonable time. We went shopping to get stuff for a buffet supper for the band prior to the concert. I made it round the supermarket ok but beginning to feel it in my knees by the time we were done.
I dropped John back at his place and headed home myself. I sorted Honey out and finished packing all my 'bits' for the concert. I had hoped to have half an hour so sit and maybe doze but the 2 hours just vanished and I was back on the road to pick up John and grab a quick bite of lunch at Wetherspoons before heading for the concert venue.
We set to with a band of brilliant helpers and sorted the seating. There was an added problem of a pile of stuff being 'stored' on the stage which all had to be shifted as it did not leave enough space for the band with the sound gear. We also had to wait for the Hall manager to turn up and sort the stage lighting for us - half the lights were either pointing down to the ground or up on the ceiling! We had to move some seats to get the ladders in for him and then move them back afterwards again. Our amazing team of friends pulled out all the stops doing the bar for us, as well as shifting furniture.
By 5pm I was beginning to feel the pain in both legs. I sat down for a bit, sorting out the 'box office' and table of flyers and advertising. We put out some club flyers on chairs in the hall and virtually all of them went by the end of the evening :)
The band were expected about 4 but it was gone 5 before they turned up. They started sound checking and tucking into their buffet so all checks were done well before 7. We opened the doors at 7 so people did not have to queue at all and could come straight in on arrival. Late arrivals had problems as the car park was full and there was a thundery downpour too, so not only did they have to drive around looking for a space but they then got wet walking to the hall :(
The concert was brilliant! Rod did 3 songs to open the proceedings and allow late comers to get settled before Fairport took to the stage.
It was an amazing concert with the band on top form! Brilliant songs! Great rapport. The whole evening swept past all to quickly and then we were bidding goodbye to our patrons, who all seemed very happy and loved the concert.
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Chris Leslie (FC), John, Ric Sanders (FC), and me! |
There was an almighty storm to the north of Poole and the lightning display was fantastic. Sheet lightning was running across the sky behind the clouds with the occasional fork finding its way to ground. I dropped off our helpers at their homes and headed home myself. I was in tears by the time I got in. I was tempted to sleep downstairs but I was so tired and in so much pain I thought bed would be best. I let Honey out and got myself organised and into bed.
Honey's leg was a bit swollen and she was limping badly so I think she must have strained it some time during the evening. James said she seemed ok while he was here, but she was limping when he left. It was not swollen in the morning, and she was walking on it with a bit of a limp. I kept her quiet all day and by yesterday (Sunday) she was back to 'normal'. She seems fine today and I shall start taking her for a short walk down the road and back later this week. I know she will be glad to get out and about.
This weekend has shown I need to take action about my knees. Both are now playing up. The left one has started giving way on me at times. The right knee is totally worn out and distorted. It gets very painful at times and can collapse without warning any time. I have not yet fallen over with it as I use a stick to balance myself, but if the other one goes too I will be over and down. Time for referral I think and get on the list for replacements.
Coping with pain is tiring and aging. I need help!
Last night our wonderful friends who ran the concert bar for us hosted a thank you barbecue. There were seven of us and we tucked into a pile of assorted, burgers, sausages, chops, steaks and chicken with salads and bread. Lovely!
We had a bit of beer left over after the concert which we bottled up in 1 and 2 litre bottles and they needed drinking up (well that was the excuse) so there was a lot of beer consumed between us. I say 'us' but I am not a beer drinker, and I had a couple of large glasses of Pimms, well diluted with extra lemonade. The wine was flowing too so everyone was very happy, apart from 'designated driver' - me! I dropped John and Roz back home before heading home myself.
Jen arrived home the same time I did so we had a nice chat for an hour before heading to bed. I was knackered!
I'm sorry there isn't much to smile at in this blog.
Ah .. I have an '...and finally'...
I cooked a few extra sausages yesterday for me to have today for lunch and I gave a couple to Honey as a treat last night. They were a bit spicy and now I have a flatulent greyhound stinking the place out :-( It is BAD!!!
Anyone want a dog? ;-)
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If I bury my nose I can't smell it :-) |
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