The diet is going well with over half a stone off so far. Slimming World seems to suit me and is easy to manage. My friend Linda is doing it with me and we both have good and bad moments. But we have our holiday in May to look forward to, both being something like 2 stone lighter than when we started!
Honey had a bout of illness with a raised temperature and dramatic stiffness in her back legs. The vet wasn't sure if it was a strained back or possibly viral arthritis. She was on home rest, anti-biotics, and anti-inflammatories for over a week before she gradually got freedom of movement again. It was painful for her going up and down the step in and out of the garden for quite a few days and she took ages to hobble upstairs to bed. I thought she'd sleep on her day bed as it was obviously painful for her to get up and down the stairs, but she would rather face the pain and sleep near me at night than sleep alone downstairs.
I love my double thickness air bed. So comfy to sleep on. No that isn't me on the bed! But it is like the bed I have. 1 metre wide and a decent height off the ground. It takes up half the bedroom space in the tent! If needed you can unzip it and make a single thickness king sized bed :)
There is also the benefit that should you lose any air from either mattress you do not end up feeling the ground under your bum :-)
Getting excited about Cropredy - they've been announcing bands being booked and it's looking great. Richard Thompson is down for the Friday night and of course will join FC for the final long set on the Saturday night. They have booked Legend to come back again. A Bob Marley tribute band fronted by Bob's son. They were last there a few years ago on the wettest Cropredy I've experienced and yet everyone was smiling during their set. It was like the sun shone on the stage and spread a warm glow through everyone. It was impossible to not move to the beat of the music. Lovely to see the 'mosh pit' people all dancing around in waterproofs and umbrellas. I hope they don't bring the rain back this year. Friday also sees the Saw Doctors and Joan Armatrading! Did someone say 'folk'?
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