Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Friday, 17 December 2010

Did you know it is Frig's day?

Hmm I am getting bad, well worse anyway. Honey woke me just after 7 to go out for a pee. Bloody cold outside and not properly light. Anyway she went, and I went back to bed. Mistake! Warm and comfy, I went back to sleep and woke with a start at almost 10 am. I needed a pee - urgently! Made it to loo just in time - close call! Next time I go when Honey goes out. Bladder can only hold so much. Anyway I got up, gave Honey her breakfast and AB and had my coffee. My first coffee of the day is always a pint :-D
Wakes me up and gets things going. I sorted myself out, washed, dressed etc then headed over to John's. He was still asleep in bed at 11am! And I thought I was bad LOL Anyway I made him a coffee and went and made a fuss of the cat while he got up. Roz had taken the puppy with her so the cats had a free run of a warm house. We headed to the Post Office to post a parcel but the queue was out the door and round the corner, so gave up on that. We headed to Poole Quay for lunch at Wetherspoons. Our usual 'Spoons is in town next door to Sainsbury's and we thought it might be a tad busy with bad weather forecast and Christmas coming, not to mention people doing present shopping as well as food. We parked on the quay itself (love my blue badge!) and had a tasty cheap lunch in a nearly deserted pub. John sampled the one Xmas ale they had available and developed a taste for it - JW Lees Plum Pudding :-D a darkish fruity ale.
We stopped off at Asda for a quick shop. John replenished his beer supply, and I got some Tilda rice that Jen likes for lunch sometimes. Asda is the only shop round here that does the butternut squash flavour she likes best. I also stocked up on Herbs De Provence. Just love those flavours. Not so sagey as mixed herbs.
I came home and let Honey out quickly. I think she needed to 'go'!
I timed it right to watch Shaun the Sheep - today was a superb Christmas one. A little sad but happy too. Do catch up with the new series on I Player/On Demand if you can. They are pure brilliance! "Mehhhh"

This evening I have been watching the soaps then Olympia live on Euro Sport. Amazing Puissance competition. Very exciting! Jen went to London for the day with Helen. A snack in Harrods, then on to Olympia. Imagine a place that big packed mostly with horse mad girls and women. All shopping away like crazy too. Yet most of the top jumpers are men - how come? You go to any riding school and there will be 100 or more girls to every 1 boy learning to ride.
If any of you are going to Olympia this weekend, have a great time and wrap up warm outside.
This time next week excited children will be asleep in their beds, finally. And parents will be having a nightcap before Santa does his thing.
I personally find Christmas time hard to take. Peter and I used to share the preparations and jobs. Like doing the cards and shopping. He was always good at picking presents too, when I tend to get stuck in a rut. This is the 7th Christmas without him and it doesn't get any easier to face. The only blessing is we keep it low key and quiet, apart from Boxing Day with the grandsons! I think Christmas needs young children to make it a truly happy time. Adults just eat and drink too much.
I am trying hard to keep a happy face on but it's not easy with Honey and her problems, my knees hurting like mad, worrying about the weather, the folk club, Swanage festival, John's health and his redundancy, and fitting in shopping for presents, wrapping them, sending cards etc. as well as doing the washing, cooking meals, cleaning etc etc. The only good thing is I mostly have only feeding myself to worry about most of the time and get jobs done when I can and feel like it. That is - except when Honey nags me for food, cuddles, or to be let out for a pee.
Ok can anyone tell me why dogs don't poo and wee at the same time? Honey squats to pee then walks on a bit further before doing a poo. Sometimes at home she will come in after a pee then ask to go out again 2 minutes later to poo! Blimming annoying when I have to put her protective boot on her broken leg and take it off when she comes in again. On, off, on, off *sigh* At least she knows what 'boot' means now and stands waiting to have it put on before going in the garden. What a good girl she is.

Let's hope all of you who like snow, get enough to enjoy this weekend, and those of you who don't, miss it.
Stay warm! xx

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