Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Saturday, 1 January 2011

For Auld Lang Syne...

I hope by now you are feeling human again after last night's celebrations. It is many years since I was drunk enough to have a hangover, but my recommended 'cure' is a pint of water BEFORE bed if you can manage it. If you forget, then a pint of water in the morning with a couple of paracetamol. If you prepare in advance, then I recommend you get a packet of Dioralyte from the supermarket or chemist. This is designed for recovery after having a tummy bug and has a mix of sugars, minerals and salts to re-balance the body fluids. A hangover is basically the effects of dehydration by alcohol, so re-hydration is the cure! Trust me - I'm a wise old woman!
I had a very nice time in front of the TV last night. Channel hopping to watch what I wanted to watch without argument. A rather large glass of Baileys coming up to midnight gave me a warm mellow feeling :) I managed to dip in and out of Jool's Hootenanny catching the wonderful Bellowhead and one of my long time favourites, Alison Moyet. I did not recognise her at first as she has slimmed down so much. The voice is unmistakable though.
I loved the London firework display. It was superb! 10/10 to the company who did it. I think it was even better than the Millennium one. I dread to think how much all that 'flash bang poof' cost though. I hope Londoners were told how much of their council tax went up in smoke!

Honey is really getting back into her old routine with a vengeance! We used to have a fairly set routine for walkies time, with dinner on return home. She has started nagging me at 3.30 again which is walkies time - or was, and now is again. A month off does not seem to have upset her body clock at all! We went down the road today and through the alleyway to the main road. The grassy, tree speckled area there is popular with dog walkers but it seems not all are as particular about cleaning up after there dogs as I am. I stepped in some doggy doo hidden by leaves :( not funny when you're wearing textured sole shoes. I scraped off what I could on the longer grass but have had to wash my shoe at home :( With so many brown leaves on the ground it is hard to spot any 'piles'.
Honey enjoys sniffing all the smells with pleasure. I took her down to Baiter yesterday for a short walk around, and to post a message to fellow dog walkers about Honey's accident, and a public thank you to the the lovely couple who helped me. I took a stapler with me to pin up a laminated sheet to the fencing. However when I tried to use it the thing wouldn't work! Typical! However one of my characteristics is a good instinct for mechanical things. They are usually logical and I have a strong sense of logic. I knew there were staples in it so that wasn't the problem. I knew something had to come down to push the staple out and the bit of metal that looked as though it should do the job was not going in the right place. I checked the bits and bent the metal bit a little so it hooked over the end. I tested it then and knew I was on the right track. I bent it a bit more and it slotted into the groove to push the staples out. I clicked it back into place and Lo! it worked! So I didn't have to make a return trip to post my notice! It is neatly stapled to the fence by the car park where dog walkers will see it. I will start walking honey there more regularly after I've seen the orthopedic vet next week. For now she will have to put up with walks down the road and back. Good for her and me! It will be a long time before she's running off the lead at Baiter again. but the weeks will fly by.

I sincerely hope that 2011 brings good health to you all. Without good health everything else becomes difficult. I have a few friends with major health issues at the moment and I hope and pray they come through treatment to continue a pleasurable life. Money makes life easier for many, but if you are facing pain and misery, no amount of money can help. As long as you have enough to keep a roof over your head, and some food on the table, everything else is a bonus.

So here's to 2011. May it be better for you than 2010 in every way!


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