Stuffed up weekend
I have spent the weekend with tissues stuffed up my nose to absorb the never ending stream of liquid from my nose :( I have a cold! Sinuses blocked and giving me a headache, dripping nose driving me crazy. Temp has been up and down all weekend and just felt BLEUGH!
Honey is making good progress and the wound is looking good.
Day after op
Looking a bit bruised and battered on her shoulder. They removed the tumour and a fair bit of surrounding skin and tissue.
Bruising has diminished and wound looking good. She's leaving it alone - so far! She is fed up with walkies on the lead though. There was a frisky young pointer type hound at the park today she wanted to run and play with, but I dare not let her loose because she would run at full speed, even if it hurt, and inflame the wound again.The stitches come out next Saturday.
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