Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Monday 30 July 2012

Getting the bird!

In nice weather I like to leave my dining room patio doors open wide. This is not a problem with Honey around to chase off any inquisitive cats but it doesn't stop birds flying in! I was watching the Olympic rowing on TV, with Honey asleep by my feet, when I heard a noise in the kitchen. Honey went on alert but would not go in there! Some guard dog eh? As I entered the kitchen there was a flurry at the window. It was a beautiful young thrush who must have flown in the open patio door and found his/her way into the kitchen.

 I shut the doors so it could not fly further into the house and opened the kitchen window wide but it was at the opposite end of the window sill, in the farthest corner away from me. I grabbed a soft tea towel and managed to throw it over the bird to stop it panicking and flapping about. I got my mini steps and managed to half kneel on the work top and sink and reach the bird with a huge plastic bowl. I moved the tea towel so the bird hopped onto it, under the big bowl. Then I slid a tray under the tea towel and gently pulled the tea towel out leaving the bird trapped under the bowl on the tray. I managed to carry this outside and lifted the bowl off the thrush. It sat and looked at me for about 20 seconds then flew off with some loud angry chirrups. I have now closed the patio door!
I remember the fledgling blue tits I had visit me last year but managed to get them to fly out the open window with the help of their mum calling from outside.
I think it must be the angle of the sun causing bright reflections in the patio doors and they think it's more garden - some fly into the glass - with varying consequences :( and the odd bird flies in through the open door. Most realise and fly straight back out again but the odd one keeps going through to the kitchen then head for the window to get out again.
My knee is now complaining after kneeling on the rim of the sink :( a new bruise coming I think!
I finally managed to get a very short clip of Honey running at Baiter yesterday. I have loads of clips of her walking and sniffing while I waited for her to run and she didn't. This time I got the camera out in time for the end of her run!

She usually does 2 or 3 huge circles round the field but only did the one this time. I'll have to try again some time. She has slowed a lot in the last year or so since breaking her leg, but I am so pleased to see her running again for the sheer pleasure of it.
In doggy years she is the same age as me now and really fit, unlike me!

Doesn't she look good?

This is more like me LOL 'resting' in her self made duvet 'nest'

Have a good day - hugs from me and licks from Honey! xx

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