Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Where there's a will.....

Beautiful warm sunny day - and I've been to the solicitor to sign my will! Nothing morbid, just an overdue update and refresh of my old will. I do hope all you reading this have made your own will. You may be young and not think it's needed yet but who knows what might happen tomorrow, a car crash, a madman with a gun, an unknown medical condition, anything can happen at any age so please make sure your wishes are known.
It really is a perfect day here - temp about 22°C with a very light sea breeze blowing through the house. I bet the beach is packed and the car parks full!
Sandbanks in the sun
Last night was pub quiz night and it was a bit strange. For months we have been getting around 8-10 teams and usually our team finish in the top 4. Last night there wasn't a chair or stool spare. It was heaving. We had 16 teams! Ashley who runs the quiz was caught a bit short of supplies and left his bag of playing card packs on his drive at home when loading his car. His wife came to the rescue with a late delivery! The questions were quite tricky at times and the scores reflected this by being lower than usual. It was just Jen and I pitting our brains for our team and we struggled a bit. We finished 5th on the main quiz and won nothing on the pictures or music quizzes. However we had a fun night out and I had a lovely plate of ham and pineapple salad.
Not the actual dish but similar
It was huge and very tasty, apart from the chef being a bit heavy handed with the Radicchio - it's a bit bitter and I had a mountain of the stuff! I left half of it and ate the rest of the lovely salad. The ham was diced into small chunks to make a little look a lot more, a technique I notice they are using on several dishes now - the pork in cider sauce used to be 2 steaks of pork but is now a few chunks instead - barely one steak's worth! One way to reduce costs and maximise profit! I think the kitchen were a bit pushed last night as quite a few people were dining before the quiz.

The newly replaced rotary washing line is fully loaded with 2 loads of washing - still hanging space but I've run out of pegs! Maybe I'll buy another pack next time I shop.

This week is between my daughter's birthday and my son's birthday so we are having a family barbecue tomorrow as a joint celebration. Should be the perfect evening for it. Craig does a mean barbie!
 As this week may be the only real summer we get ,make the most of it while it's here!



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