Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Saturday 28 May 2011

It's Saturday (I think)

Bad sign - I'm totally losing track of the days, and it's a Bank Holiday weekend to make matters worse! At least Jen's comings and goings usually help me but the extra day throws me totally.
Today I was intending to go to Leicester for the day to see some old friends and meet new ones, but having had the injection in my knee yesterday, I am having a quiet day at home, alone apart from the dog.


 I will be popping over to see to Rex a bit later, spend some time playing with him and let him do the business in the garden. John and Roz are out for the day at Chippenham Folk Festival so I will be visiting Rex twice today for an hour or so each time. It's a short drive so no strain on the knees.

Is it me or is it cold? It looks more like a March day outside. A bit windy, overcast, and decidedly cool. I think I need a cardigan! Warm, sunny Bournemouth/Poole is not living up to its reputation today.

I am loving my new washing machine! It has a faster spin speed than my old one and shorter wash programmes. So I should save a bit on tumble dryer times too. I have a bit of a backlog of things - clothes, sheets, and towels so the machine will be busy this weekend.

new cover design
 I treated Honey to a nice new duvet and cover, (see pic) bargain stuff from Tesco! She had a rather manky old king size duvet folded over out near the boiler in the utility room. Giving the room a clean up ready for the new machine, I decided to scrap the old quilt. It was too big to wash and too nasty to face taking it to a launderette for the  big machines there.  Honey had also had a bit of a chew and scrape at it and blobs of the stuffing were coming out everywhere! I did let her try out the new thick single duvet in the lounge and she loved it so much I could not get her off it again! I grabbed it last night as she got off it to go to bed upstairs and plonked it down by the boiler. This is one of her bolt holes when I go out. It's warm, dark and draught free, she feels safe there. She can also watch me cooking from there! So it gets used quite a lot.
Using a single thick quilt means it's soft for her to lie on, but folds into a good size for her to stretch out on. It will also easily fit in the washing machine! Result!

There may be a recession on, but the one local business that seems to be thriving is Sunseeker boats. We are talking millions for one of their gin palaces and they have several boat yards and storage areas around the town, making them a big local industry.  I did suggest Jen tries to get a job there as most of the customers are probably multi-millionaires and you never know... but she did not fancy working there :(  I think she needs a millionaire to help her have the life style she wants, or at least a wealthy farmer who likes horses!
I drool every time I go along Poole Quay and see all the huge Sunseeker yachts moored up for their servicing visit. The pic is a modest 8 berth + 4 crew job. One of their smaller ones LOL.  I lost count how many were moored along by their boatyard opposite Poole Quay the other day, many a lot bigger than the one in the pic! Someone's not affected by the recession!

It is time to pop over and see Rex and let him out for a pee. I do hope you have a great weekend whatever you're up to.

Happy times to my Feesch friends in Leicester! Virtual hugs and a kiss from me {{{{ * }}}}

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