Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Sunday 22 May 2011

Why does everything happen at the same time?

It's Sunday and the place is a tip - even more than usual because I'm having a tidy up! I know that sounds daft but I have little heaps of things to go to a) the rubbish bin, b) the recycling bin, c) the garage, d) store room upstairs and then there's the stuff I have no desinated place for and needs a home! So it looks worse before it gets better :(
James will be shifting the piles soon. The Grand Prix has just finished so it will be action stations when I've finished here.
There's been a lot of activity chez nous this last week or 2. Honey is now on lead walks and is delighted to be out and about, sniffing all the smells and leaving a few 'messages' herself. I have walked her down the road and been to Baiter harbourside park. She sniffed every blade of grass and every leaf on every bush to see who's been a round lately. She has also generously pee'd everywhere she can to let her friends know she is back LOL

In a rash moment, I let Honey out in the garden without checking for foxes/squirrels first. At 2 in the afternoon I would not expect to see a fox. Of course there was one sunbathing on the grass! Honey chased him off, managing to catch one of her dew claws on something in the process so it was hanging off and bleeding when she came back in :-( The claw came off cleanly on her bed when she tried licking it and it stopped bleeding quickly.  Anyway, it meant another quick visit to the vet *sigh* but a quick check up and a shot each of antibiotics and painkillers and she was sorted.
Tuesday was her annual check up with vaccination boosters so it was 'hello vet' again. He listened to her heart and lungs and felt her all over, checking her broken leg thoroughly. Everything seemed fine :)
My washing machine had decided to stop working and was completely silent with no pump, no drum movement, and a flashing warning light on the control panel. So I had a wet wash load to deal with and a few phone calls to local repair men. "HOW MUCH???" I have cut my losses and ordered a new machine. Super low energy, efficient thingy with a quick wash option if you need something in a hurry :) That is being delivered Wednesday tea time - well 5 - 9 pm - so I have to clean the utility room out for them to get the new machine in. I also have to disconnect the old one they are taking away, but that's easy - I hope.
John has offered to help me clean and clear and that will be great.
Friday I finally got to the doc, only about 9 months later than I was due to see him. *cough*
Anyway he looked at my warped knees and moved my leg around to assess the state of it. He's giving me another injection this coming Friday as a holding measure. I told him the last one didn't help at all - 48 hours no pain, then worse pain than before afterwards and no further relief. A trainee GP did it under his supervision and I don't think she was in the right place with the needle. My GP doing it this time and I have confidence in him. His injections don't hurt and work well. The one she gave me hurt like hell at the time and did not work as it should have. Following this injection , my doc will look to booking more X-rays then start the referral process with a view to a replacment knee hopefully not too far away. What a relief that will be even though it will be about 6 weeks of not driving anywhere! I love my car and the freedom it gives me to get around. I will also have to sort some kind of dog walking service for Honey, but I have a friend who does that as a job anyway. I'm sure she can help out for a price.
Ah, Honey! I usually give Honey a massage most days. She loves being stroked and rubbed and lies back totally relaxed while I do it. Most of the time she lies on her right side so I massage her back and left side. Today she was lying on my bed so I gave her her massage on the bed. This time she was lying on her left side so I massaged her back and right side. I found a lump on her shoulder. It was not there about 3-4 weeks ago as far as I know, but it is about 2 inches across and flattish. It did not move with the skin, it seems to be attached to muscular tissue underneath. The upshot is I am back seeing the vet with her again in the morning. :-( I hope I am worrying unnecessarily and it's just a harmless fatty lump or a benign tumour that can be safely removed, or ignored. Not sure I can face losing a third dog to cancer. Joey had a non-spreading but virulent tumour that kept growing back until vet could not operate any more. Casper had lymphoma. This lump looks very different to either of those so I am hoping for the best and preparing myself for the worst. Honey has not has much luck of late.
Fingers crossed for my Honey. xx

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