Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Life is a roller coaster

Honey saw the vet Monday morning and the lovely Dan gave her a good feel! Lucky dog! Anyway he is confident it is a fatty lump and nothing to worry about. There are options if it continues to grow and become a problem to her. There is a chance it will actually disappear but I am watching it! Any significant changes and I'll be back to the vet. It does not cause her any pain and is far enough away from joints not to cause her any problems walking.

My new washing machine is being delivered today :) I hope it all goes ok. John helped me hugely Monday with clearing the decks and Jen finished off last night sorting the corner where the machine is going so we're all set.

I am off to the hairdresser a bit later - colour, cut and blow dry. There goes a good couple of hours :) A nice chance to sit and relax and get a bit of a makeover! Much needed I can tell you!

I am going through one of those periodic dips in morale/emotions at the moment. Constant pain gets me down. I know my pain is curable and I am in a much better position than many who have progressive conditions they cannot escape. I am lucky in that Honey gives me the incentive to move and get walking - she nags me! She is squeezed up by the window in the lounge trying to stay in the now narrow strip of warm sunshine. She loves the warmth. Jen and I were looking at her the other day and surprised to see bum fluff! Stop laughing at the back! When we got Honey she had been living in concrete floored kennels for about 6 months since retiring from racing and sitting around on the concrete had rubbed off all the fur on her backside. This made her look a bit weird as she has dark brownish skin yet her fur is a pale gold honey colour. Anyway, until recently she has had a bald bum, but now she has definitely got new fur growing - sparse and whiteish and fluffy :-D The vet was sure the follicles had been destroyed and she was unlikely to get hair growing again in that area. I think the time spent with her leg pinned meant she seldom 'sat'. She either stood up or lay down on the floor and it gave the hair a chance to get going again, no friction on the skin.

I am all set for my knee injection Friday. Oh I do hope it works. Pain free days and nights for a short time.

It is a shame I will not be going to the Feesch Spring Bash Saturday and meeting face to face, for the first time, with some lovely online friends of many years, as well as seeing again ones I've met before. I've been on Feesch since 1999 and it's a shame it has closed, but the spirit of Feesch lives on via FaceBook. It's just a shame that such a mostly friendly bunch of people can harbour a few who have a warped view of the world and take delight in trying - unsuccessfully - to break up happy relationships. Twelve years down the road and John and I still have a solid relationship.
It's Chippenham Folk Festival this weekend too and I can't go to that either because of my knee injection. I can hear some of you saying - why not change the injection to next week? Well right now my knee is so bad I would not be able to walk at all after a long journey anyway, and be in pain day and night. If the injection helps even for a few weeks, the relief will be most welcome.  John and I make a good pair now - limping around with a walking stick each when we go out. John is hopeful he will get a cartilage repair op fairly soon which should ease his knee pain until his arthritis gets a lot worse. I don't have enough cartilage left to scrape smooth :( so next step for me is a new knee joint. I want to be mobile as soon as possible while I am still young enough to enjoy doing things with family and friends. I live in a beautiful area and have spent many happy days wandering the green Dorset hills in past years, but now struggle to get beyond the first park bench away from the car park instead of walking the entire perimeter of the whole park :-(
I want to walk well again, maybe even dance a bit! It will make losing weight easier too.

Ok now I've got you depressed and feeling sorry for me, I'll let you go and do whatever cheers you up most. Enjoy the sunshine if you have any, stay in comfortably dry if you have rain, and batten down the hatches if you still have wind.

Umm maybe I could have phrased that a bit better LOL

Have a good day/week and a fabulous bank holiday weekend whatever you are planning.

I hope my REAL Feesch friends have a superb Bash weekend - I will enjoy the photos and imagine myself there with you all. xx

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