Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Friday 1 April 2011

Frig's day again

How was the week? Not too bad at all.
Monday morining I picked up Linda from Bournemouth airport and popped her home after her week in Switzerland. Looks like she had a good time.
Pub quiz Monday night with Jen and James. We finished third in main quiz, but won the picture round. It was a very quiet night at the pub. Not only were there not many teams but they were small teams too this week.
Wednesday was Alex's 6th birthday so we all popped over for tea. He was one happy boy and very excited! Jen gave him a new SuperSoaker water gun - very effective it was too. Shoots a long way! Alex got soaked giving it a test :-) James gave him a Nerf gun shooting foam darts/bullets. We all got shot!
I gave him the latest Lego Star Wars III game on the PS3 and he and Jack were itching to play it all through tea. Gotta love those Lego games - brilliant characterisation.

My 62nd birthday January 2011

Craig and Di were off to see Katy Perry at the BIC tonight so I did the grannie babysitting bit tonight. Those boys try every trick in the book to prolong bed time. Jack tried to hide from me but his voice gave him away. I surprised him by pinching his bum which was all I could see of him LOL Told him Grans have eyes in the back of their heads and can see round corners. I think he almost believed me!We have a repeat birthday celebration on Monday as it's Jack's 10th birthday! Expensive time of year!

Monday my knees felt good so I walked Honey without a stick and walked a bit further than usual. Silly me! Felt ancient Tuesday morning and struggled to stand up let alone walk. Took max dose of Ibuprofen that day and still struggled with pain. Not been too bad the rest of the week.

Jen and I both had our cars MOT'd today and both passed ok. So another thing off list. I've renewed my car insurance too. My car has it's 6th birthday today - 1st April.
It's still in pretty good nick, especially after it's body work spruce up after the silly woman reversed into me.

Jen and I spent some time looking at new cars at the Mitsubishi garage. Nice to day dream! A neat ASX for me (£22K) and a bigger Outlander for Jen (£25K) ... come on Lotto - pick our numbers!

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