Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Just another week

Is it really a week since my last blog? Sorry - I know Honey posted but I need to be in the mood to write.
During the last week the weather has varied from frosts, and me using my winter duvet for a couple of nights, to today's scorcher, 21oC out this morning and a whole lot warmer in the car sitting in the sunshine :(
I took Honey to the orthopaedic vet yesterday with apprehension. One of the vets there said last time she should be ready to have the frame off on this visit and I got all optimistic and excited. Then I saw the senior vet and he said they'd X-ray her leg and see if 'maybe' some of the pins could come out. I thought 'here we go - another visit, more X-rays more money'.  I left her there yesterday expecting him to say 'another 6 weeks', but when I went to collect her there she was with no pins at all and the frame gone! The leg looked a bit messy - some bleeding drying on her leg and massive bruising, but they gave me instructions on how to manage it at home, bathing it with salty water. If I have any worries I can call them or take her to my own vet.
It obviously felt strange to Honey and probably very sore for a few days yet. But she is walking on it, albeit limping, and taking the step in and out of the back door very carefully. It must feel strange to her as well as painful at the moment. The vet said no walkies for a month!! A whole month! I'll have to make the effort to walk more by myself because I need the exercise and I know Honey will not be happy. It was bad when she broke her wrist in the first place, now we are almost back there again :(
She is managing to get up and down stairs ok even if slowly.
Still, today is day 1 without the frame and pins so it is a step forward, even if it seems like 5 steps backwards at the same time, as she is much less mobile for a while.

The official Fairport publicity machine is in full swing now and main mass 'snail mail' mail-out has taken place. I expect our remaining tickets to go quite fast now :)
I am getting excited about the night but also worried. Have we done everything we need to? Is everything booked/ordered? Will I have any nails left by then?
Whose idea was it to put on Fairport in the first place?
I am all for a risk free quiet life. I am not one of life's gamblers and this is a huge gamble for me. I don't even do the lottery!

I have a few personal issues to get sorted this week - not least getting James over to clear out his room finally. He only moved out 18 months ago! I want to get it painted and refurbished as a guest room, or alternatively a 'dressing room' cum storage room for Jenny, so I can make what was the guest room a decent room again for visitors.

It takes me so long to get things done now, as I can only stand up for a short time without sitting down for a minute or two. I am better moving around than  just standing still, but I can't carry anything bulky or heavy. It's one side of getting older I hate.

Enough of me and my life - I hope you've got the summery warmth too and get the chance to enjoy it. Just don't fry yourself please.
Bye for now xx

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