Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Where did the weekend go?

First long weekend done and dusted. Hope you all had a good Easter. I have been alone, apart from Honey, for most of it. James did come to lunch Sunday, as usual. Sausages and mash for him, as usual. I had a lovely tasty, tender pork steak, roasted in oven with onions and mushrooms, served with a load of fresh broccoli. It was lovely.

Yesterday being Monday meant pub quiz night. Last week the pub was heaving! Every single chair and stool was in use. Even the tall bar stools were hijacked by one team round a small table. We had something like 14 teams and, for the first time in about 2 years, the quiz master paid out a 3rd place prize. It was back to 'normal' last night with 8 teams. But was a good night.

The quiz master likes to make 'holidays' a bit different so instead of 6 rounds of 5 q's with 2 pre-selected joker rounds, making 40 points in total, we had 4 rounds of 8 q's with one joker round, played and marked as we went.
The first round was a real stinker and we managed a miserly 1 (yes one) point, but highest score that round was 3 LOL. The others improved as we went and we maxed the last 2 rounds. Unfortunately we went for round 2 as our joker and got 2 wrong! That was a vital 4 points gone, instead of 2, and we'd have tied for 1st place. As it was we tied for 2nd place and lost out on the tie breaker question. So a good 3rd place in the end. We won the pic round which was also a harder one.
It was just James and I last night, as Kev & Sheila were grandparenting, and Jen was back late from Salisbury and too tired to quiz. So James blitzed the pics and I answered the quiz. We got the same number of q's right as the winners but played the joker badly :( Ah well, such is life.
We made some new friends as a newish team (about 2 months attending) came and sat next to us as their usual table was taken, 3 ladies of the silver haired variety. They were very nice. The pub lounge bar is on 2 levels and teams tend to stay either on upper level or lower. It's funny how we all have our favourite table and feel unsettled if we have to sit elsewhere. We have our fav. table and a second best in case first choice is being used.

I had a tasty pasta bake with side salad for my dinner. It was described as 'chicken and smoked bacon pasta bake'. I had 2 tiny cubes of chicken and a few scraps of bacon in my portion, lots of pasta and loads of cheese sauce so it tasted good, but more like macaroni cheese than chicken and bacon.

How's Honey? I hear someone ask. Well she's doing just fine now. The first couple of days were bad as she would not put her bad leg to the ground without whining and wincing. I phoned my vet and got some pain killers prescribed. They did help and she slept a lot the first few days. Her sore leg did not stop her making it upstairs, although she was very slow and careful coming down as she HAD to use her bad leg. A week later she is a different dog. She is walking almost normally on all four legs, just occasionally 'carrying' the bad leg if it hurts a bit. She has started nagging me for walkies. Even after a week of not having a walk at all (vet's orders - 3 weeks to go yet) her walkies body clock is still working LOL. Nothing like being shadowed by a dog who's whining and giving me the 'big-brown-eyes' look, an almost silent 'PLEASE take me out'. I pacify her with her dinner. She always gets fed after walkies, so if she gets her dinner she knows walkies will not follow and stops begging.
Right now she is curled up on her duvet bed right near the lounge window to catch the sunshine patch. She loves to sunbathe and feel the warmth on her back. The sun is much higher in the sky now and instead of the sunny patch being halfway across the lounge as it was a month ago, it is now just a few feet out from the window and the warm sunny patch is limited. She looks happy.

I had some good news yesterday - I am getting the grandsons for a sleepover in June :-D. James has almost finished clearing his old room so I can get on with painting it and sorting the furniture so one of the boys can go in there, and the other in our 'official' spare room. Except Jen has used that as her bedroom overflow lately so there is a pile of 'stuff' to clear out (hopefully into the bin). [ I hope you're reading this Jen! LUVU!!]

John had a rough weekend, with a huge tooth abscess that came up almost overnight. He's on anti-biotics now and hopefully feeling a lot better.

It's less than 2 weeks to our Fairport gig and I'm getting into panic mode. We have not sold out and would love a few more ticket sales before the night. But it's hard times all round and people are not spending their money if they can help it. :(
I will enjoy the concert anyway. It will be great hosting the 'lads'.

Have a great week and enjoy the Royal wedding.
TTFN xxx

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