Emma and Darcy

Emma and Darcy
My new dogs

Monday 11 April 2011

Scorching Sunday

what I'd look like after sunbathing
 How soon a week passes. At least it is showing promise of Spring and better weather. Have had some nice sunshine this week which has cheered me up no end. Today was actually hot here with a blazing sun. I stayed out of it mostly, as I burn easily and have to slap on the SPF 30 to avoid the lobster look. ( see pic >)
John is lucky and goes brown almost instantly.

Pub quiz night Monday brought more chocolate but no money. James and I managed a respectable joint third in the main quiz and James won the picture round.
Thursday night was the singaround at Wimborne Folk Club which had just enough performers to go round twice plus 2 more songs. Nice variety of performers too so it was a good mix. John and I were chairing the evening.

Wednesday brought a bit of panic. My blind friend Linda was poorly for a few days and suddenly developed a nasty pain in her ear. She phoned her doc and the night locum booked her into the out-of-hours GP clinic at Poole Hospital and I picked her up and took her there. There is only  the A&E entrance open at night for security but it means a bit of a trudge around to get there, then you have to wind your way round the hospital corridors to the out patients' clinic bit. Although that clinic did not appear to be busy we had to wait 45 mins to see the nurse practitioner :-(  They checked Linda thoroughly and said it was a throat infection causing pressure on the ears but no sign of an ear infection. They sent her home with instructions to take paracetamol.
After finding our way back down the corridors to A&E, then exiting the hospital and walking back to the parked car, I was knackered and in increasing pain in my knee. I wanted to text John to let him know what was happening but could not find my phone in my bag :(  I had dropped it some time at the hospital. It could have been at the car park ticket machine, or in A&E, or at the clinic. Anyone could have picked it up. I looked under the car in case I'd dropped it then kicked it under the car, and checked all round the parking are and ticket machine but no sign of it. I was in too much pain to walk all the way back to the GP clinic again so took Linda home and went home myself.
I tried phoning the hospital but none of the switchboards are manned at night. I contacted O2 and blocked the SIM from being used.

My phone
I phoned the hospital first thing next morning but no sign of the phone being handed in :-(  I did not worry so much about the phone itself but was desperate about losing phone numbers on there. Jen came home early from work and got a text message. Someone had found my phone and put their own SIM in to activate it and had texted jen from my inbox. We arranged to pick up the phone from the cleaner who had found it and jumped in the car to go there, taking Honey with us to walk after. I managed to walk through to the 'staff only' section where the cleaners base was and asked a group of ladies which of them was Frankie? It turned out Frankie was male! A very nice young-ish man: balding, goatee beard, a few pounds excess baggage and just a tiny bit camp. But a very nice man and I gave him a big hug and a large box of choccies :-)
I had my phone back! WOOHOO! All my numbers are there so I am saved. All I had to do now was wait for a new SIM to arrive. That came yesterday but did not work on my phone :-( The 'chip' part of the SIM was totally different in appearance to the old one and my phone did not like it. So now I am waiting for another one to come :-(

Friday I enjoyed a couple of hours with my grandson, Alex. His school broke up lunchtime for the Easter hols and Di could not get away from work early enough, so I collected him from school and we enjoyed some play time in the garden together. :-)

Tom & David

Friday night was our own folk club, with a lovely band
called MaryJane from  Southampton opening the evening, followed by the brilliant Tom McConville and David Newey. A small audience but very appreciative of a brilliant night's music.

Máire & Chris
Tonight John and I went to Bournemouth Folk Club and saw Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris Newman in concert. Superb sets, made even better by Máire not singing! Last time I saw them her voice was well past its 'best before' date. She is very Irish and plays the harp like an angel. He is a brilliant guitarist, with strong jazz influences.
It was a good night. It is pretty obvious who is the boss in their marriage! The CD cover pic says it all >

I hope you have a good week ahead - enjoy the sunshine while it's here.xx

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